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this is the problem i have 2 tables


table named ZAMJENE with fields id_event_1, id_event_2

table named EVENTS with fields  id_event and event_date


and i need echo


$id_event_1 on date(EXTRACT FROM TABLE EVENTS FIELD event_date) can be replaced with $id_event_2 on date(EXTRACT FROM TABLE EVENTS FIELD event_date)


structure must remains because i have half site build already and i have 3rd table where i just need use JOIN


hope you understand problem

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Well, can you at least try to build a join query and post it here?

You've shown me what you need but you haven't shown me what you've done to try to accomplish your goal.  So far it only seems like you just want somebody to build your code for you.

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tried that before... for example in table ZAMJENA i have 1 rown and on EVENTS have 20 rows

he fills data under id_event_1 and id_event_2 randomly (and i cant afford that)


so far code is this

include "check.php";
include "db_connect.php";

//spojit na tablicu pogledat da li postoje termini za zamjenu
$moj_id	= $_SESSION['id'];
$query_zamjene = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM zamjene JOIN users ON id_user_2=id WHERE id_user_1='$moj_id'");
//broj zamjena
$br_zamjena		= mysql_num_rows($query_zamjene);

if ($br_zamjena >0){
echo "Imate $br_zamjena mogućih zamjena

while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query_zamjene))
$id_zamjena		= $rows['id_zamjena'];
$id_event_1		= $rows['id_event_1'];
$id_event_2		= $rows['id_event_2'];
$id_user_2		= $rows['id_user_2'];
$ime_2			= $rows['ime'];
$prezime_2		= $rows['prezime'];

echo "<li>Vaš event $id_event_1 zamjenite sa $id_event_2, zamjenu je tražio $ime_2 $prezime_2 </li>";
//english  your event $id_event_1 can be changed with $id_event_2, requested by $ime_2 $prezime_2


else echo "Nemate zahtjeva za zamjenu"; // no requests for change



here i work with 3 tables EVENTS ZAMJENE USER i mange to get name from USER table but i dont know that part with event

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