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I have a function in my php form that creates two digits after the ndecimal.  Works great:


function Money($float) {

return sprintf("%01.2f", $float);



The problem is that when it prints the output and there is no value in that field on the form, it prints "0.00".  What I need it to do is, if the value is "0" then print nothing " " or leave the database blank for that value.


Any ideas?



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I tried this and I still get 0.00 in the database so it still prints 0.00 in the result.


I tried changing the line "if($float == 0)" to "if($float == 0.00)" and I get the same result.


I am entering the value into the db by:


      GetSQLValueString(Money($_POST['currency_total'], "text")),


if this helps.






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function Money($float){
    return (floatval($float) > 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($float)) : 0;

var_dump(Money(0), Money(2.12), Money(3.112));


int(0) string(4) "2.12" string(4) "3.11"


Insert into your database by just wrapping it in quotes instead of using the GetSQLValueString method


INSERT INTO `table` (`floatField`) VALUES('".Money(1.21)."')

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Still cannot make this function return no value.





I don't understand why GetSQLValueString method won't work or why this has anything to do with returning 0.00?


I am fairly new to php and don't understand the reasoning behind your code.

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he seems to NOT want 0.00 to show.


function Money($float) { 
if(!is_numeric($float) || $float == 0)
	return "";  // if the value is "0" then print nothing ""
	return sprintf("%01.2f", $float); 



as far as inserting into db, see http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysqlinsert.php

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function Money($float){
    return (floatval($float) != 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($float)) : '';

var_dump(Money(0), Money(2.12), Money(3.112) , Money('cats'));


You wouldn't have to use GetSQLValueString if you're confident enough that your methods will always return what you want them to return.


My above method will take in the float variable, get the float value of it, check if it's equal to 0; if it isn't equal to 0 it will return the sprintf call, else it will return the empty string.


The reason I used "cats" as an example is to show you the confidence of the method.


floatval('cats') == 0

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Attempting to insert an empty string into a FLOAT data type field will not result in a NULL value, it will result in 0.00. If you want a NULL value, either explicitly insert a NULL value, or use MySQL's DEFAULT keyword, since your default for the field is NULL.

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This works:


                function Money($float){

    return (floatval($float) > 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($float)) : 0;



But, Now I get "0" returned in fields with bno value.


How do I use the DEFAULT keyword?



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After testing:  The code below returns (0.00) to all fields with no value.



function Money($float) {

return sprintf("%01.2f", $float);



The code below returns (0) which is better than 0.00, but doesn't work on negatibe numbers.  When negative numbers are introduced, the result is: 0.00 and the negative value is ignored.


function Money($float){

    return (floatval($float) > 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($float)) : 0;


var_dump(Money(0), Money(2.12), Money(3.112));


I am still looking for a solution that will allow for a return value of " " from the db when no value is entered.


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Do you even bother looking at the code changes?


Running the updated code (third time posting for you)


function Money($float){
    return (floatval($float) != 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($float)) : '';

var_dump(Money(0.00), Money(0.01), Money(''), Money(-5.43));


string(0) "" string(4) "0.01" string(0) "" string(5) "-5.43"

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Sorry, I didn't know there was a page two as I am unfamiliar with this forum.


Your code produced the following errors upon submission:


Warning: Missing argument 2 for GetSQLValueString(),


Notice: Undefined variable: theType ...

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I don't know what issues you would be referring to.  None of the other suggestions on this subject in this forum produced any errors.


I am simply trying to enter a value in a php form that populates the MySQL db, and when no value is entered, I would like to have no value returned.


I can accomplish this by not using the following code:


                                                function Money($float) {

return sprintf("%01.2f", $float);



However, I use this code to format two decimal places to my values so I don't end up with 5.1 instead of 5.10 in the db.


Can you help me develop code  that will return a blank result when no value is given?


Your help would be appreciated.

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