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Problem with href with rel


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I have a link with a rel attached to it that activates a java script and for some reason it wont let me use a document on the link.  using dominion.php wont activate the java script but http://google.com does.

The java script is a snippet i got online. doesnt make any sense why it would matter. What the script does is it makes a a picture appear on mouse hover over the link.


<p><a href="http://google.com" rel="imgtip[1]">Link 2</a></p>

<p><a href="dominion.php" rel="imgtip[0]">The D</a></p>

var ddimgtooltip={

	var tooltips=[]
	//define each tooltip below: tooltip[inc]=['path_to_image', 'optional desc', optional_CSS_object]
	//For desc parameter, backslash any special characters inside your text such as apotrophes ('). Example: "I\'m the king of the world"
	//For CSS object, follow the syntax: {property1:"cssvalue1", property2:"cssvalue2", etc}

	tooltips[0]=["1.GIF", "Here is a red balloon<br /> on a white background", {background:"black", color:"#E0E0E0", border:"5px ridge darkblue"}]
	tooltips[1]=["1.GIF", "Here is a red balloon<br /> on a white background", {background:"black", color:"#E0E0E0", border:"5px ridge darkblue"}]

	return tooltips //do not remove/change this line

tooltipoffsets: [20, -30], //additional x and y offset from mouse cursor for tooltips


tipprefix: 'imgtip', //tooltip ID prefixes

createtip:function($, tipid, tipinfo){
	if ($('#'+tipid).length==0){ //if this tooltip doesn't exist yet
		return $('<div id="' + tipid + '" class="ddimgtooltip" />').html(
			'<div style="text-align:center"><img src="' + tipinfo[0] + '" /></div>'
			+ ((tipinfo[1])? '<div style="text-align:left; margin-top:5px">'+tipinfo[1]+'</div>' : '')
		.css(tipinfo[2] || {})
	return null

positiontooltip:function($, $tooltip, e){
	var x=e.pageX+this.tooltipoffsets[0], y=e.pageY+this.tooltipoffsets[1]
	var tipw=$tooltip.outerWidth(), tiph=$tooltip.outerHeight(), 
	x=(x+tipw>$(document).scrollLeft()+$(window).width())? x-tipw-(ddimgtooltip.tooltipoffsets[0]*2) : x
	y=(y+tiph>$(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height())? $(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height()-tiph-10 : y
	$tooltip.css({left:x, top:y})

showbox:function($, $tooltip, e){
	this.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e)

hidebox:function($, $tooltip){

		var tiparray=ddimgtooltip.tiparray
		var $targets=$(targetselector)
		if ($targets.length==0)
		var tipids=[]
			var $target=$(this)
			$target.attr('rel').match(/\[(\d+)\]/) //match d of attribute rel="imgtip[d]"
			var tipsuffix=parseInt(RegExp.$1) //get d as integer
			var tipid=this._tipid=ddimgtooltip.tipprefix+tipsuffix //construct this tip's ID value and remember it
			var $tooltip=ddimgtooltip.createtip($, tipid, tiparray[tipsuffix])
				var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid)
				ddimgtooltip.showbox($, $tooltip, e)
				var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid)
				ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $tooltip)
				var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid)
				ddimgtooltip.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e)
			if ($tooltip){ //add mouseenter to this tooltip (only if event hasn't already been added)
					ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $(this))

	}) //end dom ready


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