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Ok so my problem is i need to change the page link. Now if i click on the link (marked with red) it will link to the company website. So, instead of going to the website. I want to change it to link to another page which i created named (oscar.php on my index.php). But without removing the company logo on it. This is my 1st time encounter this type of case since im very new.


this is the index


include ('config.php'); 
include ('config_email.php'); 
include ('config_key.php'); 


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<title>asia programs</title>

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<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery/thickbox/thickbox.css" type="text/css" />

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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#footer2 {                
background: #000;
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if(isset($_GET[view])) {
$view = $_GET[view];

if(isset($_GET[content])) {
$content = $_GET[content];

if(isset($_GET[ttid])) {
$ttid = $_GET[ttid];

if(isset($_GET[mod])) {
$mod = $_GET[mod];

if(isset($_GET[note])) {
$note = $_GET[note];

if ($ttid <> ''){
if ($content == 'tips') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_tooltip.php'); 
if ($content == 'tesm') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_testimonial.php'); 
if ($content == 'psevent') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_ps.php'); 
if ($content == 'oscar') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_description.php'); 
if ($content == 'prospectus') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_prospectus.php'); 
if ($content == 'speaker') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakerlist.php'); 

elseif ($ttid == ''){

<div id="wrapper">
<? include ("header/header.php"); ?>
  <div id="main-content">

if ($content== ''){
if ($view == ''){
include (VIEWPAGE.'home.php'); 
include ("counter.php");

if ($view == 'home'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'home.php'); 

if ($view == 'about'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_aboutus.php'); 

if ($view == 'sponsorship'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_sponsorship.php'); 

if ($view == 'gallery'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_gallery.php'); 

if ($view == 'subgallery'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_subgallery.php'); 

if ($view == 'news'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_news.php'); 

if ($view == 'subnews'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_subnews.php'); 

if ($view == 'contact'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_contactus.php'); 

if ($view == 'enquirysubmit'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_enquiry_thankyou.php'); 

if ($view == 'career'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_career.php'); 

if ($view == 'event'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_search.php'); 

if ($view== 'spl'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakernote_list.php'); 

if ($view == 'home'){
if ($content== 'list'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'home.php'); 

if ($view == 'event'){
if ($content== 'list'){
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_searchlist.php'); 


if ($view == 'registration') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_registration.php'); 

if ($view == 'regmsgsuccess') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_registration_msgsuccess.php'); 

if ($view == 'regmsgerror') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_registration_msgerror.php'); 

if ($view == 'prospectus') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_prospectus.php'); 

if ($view == 'msgsuccess') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_prospectus_msgsuccess.php'); 

if ($view == 'msgerror') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_prospectus_msgerror.php'); 

if ($view == 'sn') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakernote.php'); 

if ($view == 'confirmation') {
if ($mod == 'reg') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_registration_insert.php'); 
if ($mod == 'pro') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_prospectus_insert.php'); 
if ($mod == 'note') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakernote_insert.php'); 
if ($mod == 'ec') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakernote_check.php'); 
if ($mod == 'ecspreg') {
include (VIEWPAGE.'view_event_speakernote_ecsuccess.php'); 

<? include ("footer/footer.php"); ?>

if (($view == 'home')|| ($view == '')){

<? }
} ?>





ok so this is the code for the page that i attached a photo of it


if(isset($_GET[ttid])) {
$ttid = $_GET[ttid];

$connection=mysql_connect("$server", "$username", "$password")
or die("Could not establish connection");
mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection)
or die ("Could not select database");

$query = "select master_event.* , 
(DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %M %Y')) as datefrom,
(DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %M %Y')) as dateto,
ucase(event_name) as eventname
from master_event
where master_event.event_id = '$ttid '";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$eventname = $row['eventname'];
$eventdesc = $row['event_desc'];
$companydescription = $row['company_description'];
$eventvenue = $row['event_venue'];
$eventfee = $row['event_fee'];
$datefrom = $row['datefrom'];
$dateto = $row['dateto'];

echo "<font color='#000000'  face='arial' ><b> $eventname </b> </font> <br>";
echo "<font color='#000000'  face='arial' ><i>Date</i> : $datefrom - $dateto <br>";
echo "<i>Venue</i> : $eventvenue <br>";

$querypstype = "SELECT DISTINCT master_pstype.pstype_id,  pstype_desc FROM master_pstype
		INNER JOIN master_psevent ON master_psevent.pstype_id= master_pstype.pstype_id
		where master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid'
		ORDER BY pstype_id";

while($rowpstype = mysql_fetch_array($resultpstype)){
$pstypeid = $rowpstype['pstype_id'];
$pstypedesc = $rowpstype['pstype_desc'];
echo "<br><font color='#8B3A3A' size='1' face='georgia' ><b><i>$pstypedesc</i></b></font> <br>";

$queryps = "SELECT master_psevent.*, pstype_desc, company_name, company_link, company_description, logo_filename FROM master_psevent
		LEFT JOIN master_pstype ON master_psevent.pstype_id = master_pstype.pstype_id
		LEFT JOIN master_ps ON master_ps.ps_id = master_psevent.ps_id
		WHERE master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid' and master_pstype.pstype_id= '$pstypeid' 
		ORDER BY pstype_desc,company_name ";

while($rowps = mysql_fetch_array($resultps)){
$companyname = $rowps['company_name'];
$companylinkori = $rowps['company_link'];
$companydescription = $rowps['company_description'];
if ($companylinkori <> "") {
$companylink = "http://".$rowps['company_link'];
$companylink = "";
$logopath = $rowps['logo_filename']; 

if ($companylink <> ""){
echo "<font color='#4A708B'  face='arial' ><a href=$companylink style=\"color:white;text-decoration: none; \" target='new'><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\"></img></a>&nbsp&nbsp</font>";
echo "<font color='#4A708B'  face='arial' ><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\"></img>&nbsp&nbsp</font>";

echo "<br>";





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In your second file line 66 find this:

echo "<font color='#4A708B'  face='arial' ><a href=$companylink style=\"color:white;text-decoration: none; \" target='new'><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\"></img></a>&nbsp&nbsp</font>";

You want to change this:

<a href=$companylink 

Use the full address of the page you want and inclose it in single quotes Like changing the link to go to google:

<a href='https://www.google.com/' 


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