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hey guys,


I'm in the process of transforming my static html website into "something" more dynamic. I came across an article on bilingual website (http://www.jacksonengineering.net/proj_phplanguage.php) and I basically used the same idea for my project. Everything works fine except for one thing - links to different language web pages are generated correctly page.php?lang=pl but when I click on the link, the url loses the variable and looks like  page.pl.php What to do?



//the url ? language declaration should have preference over the page name
$pagename = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],".php");
$pagenamearray = explode(".",$pagename);
if (count($pagenamearray) == 2){ //there is currently a bi-lingual site page loaded
$_SESSION['language'] = $pagenamearray[1];
$urllang = $pagenamearray[1];
}else{ //this page must be a non bi-lingual page
$urllang = 'en';
//check for a language selection on the url
if(isset($_GET["lang"])){//language has been passed via url
$_SESSION['language'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET["lang"]); //set it what was found
///if there still is no language set, go with english for a default
$_SESSION['language'] = 'en';
//now we think we have the session language figured out
//now check for a version of the current page in the desired language
//lets make some things clear first
//the current page url is either en or pl from $urllang
if($urllang != $_SESSION['language']){ //if the url isn't the same as the $_SESSION
if($_SESSION['language'] == 'en'){//if it should be english then load the english
  header("Location: $pagenamearray[0].php");
if($_SESSION['language'] == 'pl'){
  //construct the name of the file if it existed filename.pl.php
  $plVersion = $pagenamearray[0] . ".pl.php";
  //we have to check if a pl version actually exists of this page
  if(file_exists($plVersion)){//redirect if it exists
   header("Location: $plVersion");
   exit;//stop executing things
  }else{$pagelangnotfound = true;}



if ($_SESSION['language'] != 'en'){
echo 'Select Language: <a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?lang=en"><img src="img/gb.gif" alt="English" class="off" /></a>';
}else{echo 'Wybierz J&#281;zyk: <img src="img/gb.gif" alt="English" />';}
if ($_SESSION['language'] != 'pl'){
echo '<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?lang=pl"><img src="img/pl.gif" alt="Polish" class="off" /></a>';
echo '<img src="img/pl.gif" alt="Polish" />';




<?php if($pageOn == 'index.php'){?> id="selected"<?php }?>> <a href="index.php">Main Page</a>



<?php session_start();
include "language.php";

$pageOn = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$mItem = $pageOn;

<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<?php include("menu.php"); ?>

English content



<?php session_start();
include "language.php";

$pageOn = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$mItem = $pageOn;

<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<?php include("menu.php"); ?>

Polish content

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