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Trying to Redirect with cookie or with zip from url


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I have this javascript here, I am trying to gather the zip and referrer and aaa_redir_url from the URL, which I have them being called as a variable.

But if there is not zip in url, to then redirect to set location.


I need a little assistance with this.


here is how I am calling my variable that I need to pass


        <script type="text/javascript">
		var tqsRedirectChecker = new TQSRedirectChecker({
			aaa_redir_url:  http://aaa.com/memberdeals,  //need to repoint this, if the users does not have zip and devicecd
			timeWindow: 1800000, //milliseconds
			zip: "<?php if (isset($_REQUEST["zip"])):echo $_REQUEST["zip"]; endif; ?>",				
			referrer: "<?php if (isset($_REQUEST["referrer"])):echo $_REQUEST["referrer"]; endif; ?>",


Here I am trying to perform the redirect, per the zip and reffer and then if it is not loaded in url go to aaa_redir_url, but if there is a zip and reffer in url go to a set url, that.


If there is a way to make it into a cookie and then pass it, will be greate if not, just above request will be gratefully appreciated:


var TQSRedirectChecker = function(config) {

// This object expects a configuration JS object with all of the following parameters
var allowed_clubs_array = config.allowed_clubs_array;
var invalid_club_url = config.invalid_club_url;
var invalid_ts_url = config.invalid_ts_url;
var aaa_redir_url = config.aaa_redir_url;
var timeWindow = config.timeWindow;
var zip = config.zip;
var referrer = config.referrer;
var recipient_id = config.recipient_id;
var ets = config.ets;
var club = config.club;

// Get the current system time
var systemTime = new Date();
// Initialize the encoding / decoding key using the following map:
//    1 <-> E
//    2 <-> A
//    3 <-> C
//    4 <-> B
//    5 <-> D
//    6 <-> F
var key = new String("EACBDF");

// *
// * PUBLIC METHOD to run the TQS Check
// *
this.validateTqs = function(){
	// Checks to see if the request is a redirect from TQS.  If
	// so, then it validates the credentials.  If the request fails
	// validation, the request will be redirected to the "I'm sorry"
	// page.
	if( isEmailClickThru() ){
		alert("Recipient ID: "+recipient_id);
	if( !isTqsRedirect() ){
		//alert("Not TQS...sending to aaa.com/MemberDeals");
		window.location = aaa_redir_url;
	} else {
		alert(referrer + " | " + ets + " | " + club + " | " + timeWindow);
	if( !isValidClub() ){
		alert("invalid club");
		window.location = invalid_club_url;
	if( !isValidTqsTime() ){ 
		alert("invalid time");
		window.location = invalid_ts_url;

// private method to check whether or not the incoming request is a referral from the partner redirect system.
var isEmailClickThru = function(){
	var isEmailClick = false;
	if( recipient_id != undefined && recipient_id != null && recipient_id != "" ){
		isEmailClick = true;
	return isEmailClick;

// private method to check whether or not the incoming request is a referral from the partner redirect system.
var isTqsRedirect = function(){
	var isTqsRedir = false;
	if( referrer != undefined && referrer != null ){
		if(referrer == "aaa" || referrer == "caa"){
			isTqsRedir = true;
	return isTqsRedir;

// private method to see if the time parameter is within the window
var isValidTqsTime = function(){
	var isWithinTime = false;
	var etsTime, etsTimeDecoded;

	if( ets != undefined && ets != null ){
		etsTime = ets;
		if( !(etsTime == null) && !(etsTime == undefined) && !(etsTime == "")){
			etsTimeDecoded = decodeTime(etsTime);
			if(etsTimeDecoded > (getGMTTime(systemTime) - timeWindow) && etsTimeDecoded < (getGMTTime(systemTime) + timeWindow) ){
			   isWithinTime = true;

	return isWithinTime;

// Private method to validate whether a club code is participating in the program
var isValidClub = function(){
	var isClubAllowed = false;
	if( club != undefined && club != null ){
		for(var i=0;i<allowed_clubs_array.length;i++){
				isClubAllowed = true;

	return isClubAllowed;

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