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subdomains masking directories


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My website (http://www.gamerstats.net) uses a domain of card.gamerstats.net to display gamercards.

Recently my host had an issue with a harddrive that my server (is a vps, not web hosting) is hosted on and i was unable to retrieve my httpd.conf file which handled the subdomain.


Basically i need to make the subdomain


mask over the top of



For example


would be masked as



A quick response would be wonderful as i need to get my website functioning as soon as possible


I would prefer to do it using A records and httpd.conf

But if its possible to do it using a .htaccess file, that will also work.

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sorry for the delayed response, the edit button disappeared.


It appears that i cant do it with a .htaccess file, as i have separate htaccess files in my card directories (eg. in the nxe folder) That handles further rewrites.

It must be done in the httpd.conf file.

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Well that was stupid of me, Completely forgot that you have to restart apache for it to reload the config.


Fixed it by doing this

Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.gamerstats.net
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName card.gamerstats.net
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\card

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And what exactly is your question / problem?


Just make a new vhost and setup it's Document root to use the *card* directory. At it's simplest:


<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName card.gamerstats.net
  DocumentRoot "/path/to/card"

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