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This should help :)

PHP time() and date() function

$b = time (); 
echo date("m/d/y",$b) . "<br>"; 
echo date("D, F jS",$b) . "<br>"; 
echo date("l, F jS Y",$b) . "<br>"; 
echo date("g:i A",$b) . "<br>"; 
echo date("r",$b) . "<br>"; 
echo date("g:i:s A D, F jS Y",$b) . "<br>"; 



d - day of the month 2 digits (01-31)

j - day of the month (1-31)

D - 3 letter day (Mon - Sun)

l - full name of day (Monday - Sunday)

N - 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc (1-7)

S - suffix for date (st, nd, rd)

w - 0=Sunday, 1=Monday (0-6)

z - day of the year (1=365)



W - week of the year (1-52)



F - Full name of month (January - December)

m - 2 digit month number (01-12)

n - month number (1-12)

M - 3 letter month (Jan - Dec)

t - Days in the month (28-31)



L - leap year (0 no, 1 yes)

o - ISO-8601 year number (Ex. 1979, 2006)

Y - four digit year (Ex. 1979, 2006)

y - two digit year (Ex. 79, 06)



a - am or pm

A - AM or PM

B - Swatch Internet time (000 - 999)

g - 12 hour (1-12)

G - 24 hour c (0-23)

h - 2 digit 12 hour (01-12)

H - 2 digit 24 hour (00-23)

i - 2 digit minutes (00-59)

s 0 2 digit seconds (00-59)


OTHER e - timezone (Ex: GMT, CST)

I - daylight savings (1=yes, 0=no)

O - offset GMT (Ex: 0200)

Z - offset in seconds (-43200 - 43200)

r - full RFC 2822 formatted date

The date and time you get from PHP is going to be the server's time.  If you want the clients local time you have two options:


1) Have the user set their timezone and then figure it out based on the server's time.  The [m=datetime]DateTime class[/m] makes this pretty easy.

2) Obtain the date/time using Javascript code and it's Date object.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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