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its missing from the min bedrooms should it have a = sign in the last echo here too?

$roomLimit = 5;
for($minRooms = 0; $minRooms <= $roomLimit; $minRooms++){
  if ($minRooms == 0){
    echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Min</option>";
    echo "<option value\"$minRooms\">$minRooms</option>";

Just kinda jumping in here.  Are you sure you want to use the name="radio" for the property type?

echo "<select name=\"radio\" multiple=\"multiple\" size\"=5\" style=\"width:150px;\">";

Seems like you'd use a name more appropriate for this select like "property_type" but I'm not sure what you are looking for when processing the form.

Yeah your right thats an error, I need to change that. when processing the form I want to bring up results of properties from the data stored in mysql database. You can check the link here for the website with the search form, to get a better idea. http://mumtazproperties.hostei.com/index.php



I don't see where you've add the the search terms for property_type?  Not knowing what your table field is called I can only guess.  You need to make all your "parts" fit.  Form names match processing.  Processing matches DB.

// grab the search types.
      $types = array();
      $types[] = isset($_GET['images'])?"`simages` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types[] = isset($_GET['Location'])?"`sLocation` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types[] = isset($_GET['Number of bedrooms'])?"`snumberofbedrooms` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types[] = isset($_GET['property_type'])?"`spropertytype` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';

I was wondering in my search form what I wanted was when a user selects 'To Rent' radial button the price min and max will change to per calender month prices, but when 'For Sale' radial button is selected then the min and max price will display the current prices as they do now e.g. 70,000 +.


How would I do this, thanks.

Well the only way I can think of is actually submitting the form when a selection is made and then filtering price options by housing type.  I don't see where your generating your form but for the radios you'd do something like this.

<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forsale" onClick="this.form.submit()" /> For Sale 

<p class="increase">
<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forrent" onClick="this.form.submit()" /> To Rent
<p class="increase">
<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="any" onClick="this.form.submit()" /> Any

Again you'll need to modify the price selection code accordingly.

My form:

<div id="Psearch"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/psearch.png" alt=""/></div>

<form action="insert.php" method="POST">
<table id="tb1">
<td><p class="LOC">Location:</p></td>
<td><div id="LC">
$locationSql = "SELECT id, area_name FROM locations GROUP by area_name";
$locQry = mysql_query($locationSql) or die (mysql_error());
echo "<select name=\"areas\" multiple=\"multiple\" size\"=5\" style=\"width:150px;\">";
while ($location = mysql_fetch_assoc($locQry)){
echo "<option value=\"{$location['id']}\">{$location['area_name']}</option>";
echo "</select>";
</td><td><p class="PT">Property type:</p></td>
<td><div id="PS">

	<select name="property type" style="width: 170px;">
	<option value="none" selected="selected">Any</option>
	<option value="Houses">Houses</option>
	<option value="Flats / Apartments">Flats / Apartments</option>
<div id="ptype">

<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forsale"/> For Sale 

<p class="increase">
<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forrent"/> To Rent
<p class="increase">
<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="any"/> Any



	<div id="table2">
	<table id="NBtable">
	<td><p class="NBS">Number of bedrooms:</p></td>
	<td><div id="NB">

	<select name="min bedrooms">
$roomLimit = 5;
for($minRooms = 0; $minRooms <= $roomLimit; $minRooms++){
  if ($minRooms == 0){
    echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Min</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"$minRooms\">$minRooms</option>";
	</select> to

	<select name="max bedrooms">
$roomLimit = 5;
for($maxRooms = 0; $maxRooms <= $roomLimit; $maxRooms++){
  if ($maxRooms == 0){
    echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Max</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"$maxRooms\">$maxRooms</option>";

	<td><p class="PR">Price range:</p></td>
	<td><div id="PR">

	<select name="min price" style='width:80px;'>
$priceLimit = 350;
for($minPrice = 40; $minPrice <= $priceLimit; $minPrice =( $minPrice+ 10)){
  if ($minPrice == 40){
    echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Min</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"$minPrice000\">£$minPrice,000</option>";
?>		</select> to

	<select name="max price" style='width:80px;'>
$priceLimit = 350;
for($maxPrice = 40; $maxPrice <= $priceLimit; $maxPrice =( $maxPrice+ 10)){
  if ($maxPrice == 40){
    echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Max</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"$maxPrice000\">£$maxPrice,000</option>";



As this topic had over 1000 views, I thought I'd go a make a sample page based on what I understand from this post.  The DB tables are based on the tables Muddy_Funster suggested with just a few tweeks.  The table `properties` is lower-cased and I changed the field `type` to `housing_type`.  Although I think bathrooms should be added to the filter, I did not add it to this sample.


This sample posts to the same page, so as items in the form are selected, the form submits and options changed if needed.  Submitting the form will show any results above the form.


This sample may take some tweaking to fit your needs but is working with the tables I have.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
	<title>Mumtaz Properties</title>
	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="cutouts/style.css"/>

<!--Main Div Tag-->
<div id="wrapper">

	<div id="header">
		<div id="logo"><a href="index.html"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/logo.png" title="Mumtaz Properties Logo" alt=""/></a></div>

	<div id="navigation">
		<a id="Home" href="index.php" title="homepage"><span>home</span></a>
		<a id="Sale" href="forsale.html" title="for sale"><span>for sale</span></a>
		<a id="Rent" href="forrent.html" title="for rent"><span>for rent</span></a>
		<a id="Contact" href="contact.html" title="contact us"><span>contact us</span></a>

	<div id="main">

		<div id="flashContent">
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		<div id="Psearch"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/psearch.png" alt=""/></div>

	$server = "";      // Enter your MYSQL server name/address between quotes
	$username = "";    // Your MYSQL username between quotes
	$password = "";    // Your MYSQL password between quotes
	$database = "";    // Your MYSQL database between quotes

	$con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);       // Connect to the database
	if(!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }  // If connection failed, stop and display error
	mysql_select_db($database, $con);  // Select database to use  

		// Query database
		// If there are no errors, lets get the search going.
		if (isset($_POST['search'])) {

			$searchSQL = "SELECT p.id, p.location_id, p.catagory_id, p.housing_type, p.bedrooms, p.bathrooms, p.receptions, p.parking, p.garden, p.market_type, p.asking_price, p.pay_interval, p.summary, p.full_description, i.image_path, l.area_name ";
			$searchSQL .= "FROM properties AS p ";
			$searchSQL .= " LEFT JOIN images AS i ";
			$searchSQL .= "ON ";
			$searchSQL .= "i.property_id = 'p.id'";
			$searchSQL .= " LEFT JOIN locations AS l ";
			$searchSQL .= "ON ";
			$searchSQL .= "l.area_name = 'p.location_id'"; 
			$searchSQL .= " WHERE "; 

			$types = array();
			$ltypes = array();
			if (isset($_POST['property_type']) && $_POST['property_type']!="none"){ 
				$property_type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['property_type']);
				$types[] = "p.housing_type ='$property_type'";
			if (isset($_POST['min_bedrooms']) && $_POST['min_bedrooms']>0){
				$types[] = "p.bedrooms >= '{$_POST['min_bedrooms']}'";
			if (isset($_POST['max_bedrooms']) && $_POST['max_bedrooms']>0){
				$types[] = "p.bedrooms <= '{$_POST['max_bedrooms']}'";
			if ($_POST['min_price']>0){
				$min_price = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['min_price']);	  
				$types[] = "p.asking_price >= '$min_price'";
			if ($_POST['max_price']>0){ 
				$max_price = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['max_price']);
				$types[] = "p.asking_price <= '$max_price'";
			//Not sure if "forsale" and "forrent" is listed under the `market_type` field.  Change field if needed.
			if (isset($_POST['ptype'])){
				$market_type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ptype']);
				$types[] = "p.market_type = '$market_type'";
			if (isset($_POST['areas'])){
				foreach ($_POST['areas'] as $location_id){
					if ($location_id!="none"){
						$ltypes[] = "p.location_id = '$location_id'";
				$locationtypes = implode(" OR ", $ltypes);
				$types[] .= "($locationtypes)";

			$searchSQL .= implode(" AND ", $types);

			$searchResult = mysql_query($searchSQL) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$searchSQL}");

		if (mysql_num_rows($searchResult) < 1) {
			echo "The search term provided yielded no results.";
			$i = 0;
			echo '<div class="container" style="float:left;">';
				while($row = mysql_fetch_array($searchResult)) {   
					echo '<div class="imageholder" style="float:left;">';
						echo '<img class="image1" src="'. $row['image_path'] .'" />';   
					echo '</div>';		
					echo '<div class="textholder" style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:13px; float:left; padding-top:10px;">';
						echo "<span style=\"color:green;\"><b>Displaying record $i<br>\n</b><br></span>";
						echo "<b>" . $row['id'] . "</b><br>\n";      
						echo "Location: ". $row['area_name'] . "<br>\n";            
						echo "Property Type: ". $row['housing_type'] . "<br>\n";       
						echo "Bedrooms: ". $row['bedrooms'] . "<br>\n";  
						echo "Purchase Type: ". $row['market_type'] . "<br>\n";       
						echo "Price: ". $row['asking_price'] . "<br>\n";         
					echo '</div>';
					echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
		echo '</div>';	
		echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
		<form action="" method="post">
			<table id="tb1">
					<td><p class="LOC">Location:</p></td>
						<div id="LC">
							$locationSql = "SELECT id, area_name FROM locations GROUP by area_name";
							$locQry = mysql_query($locationSql) or die (mysql_error());
							echo "<select name=\"areas[]\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"5\" style=\"width:150px;\">";
							while ($location = mysql_fetch_assoc($locQry)){
								echo "<option value=\"{$location['id']}\"" . (isset($_POST['areas']) && in_array($location['id'],$_POST['areas']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '').">{$location['area_name']}</option>";
							echo "</select>";
					<td><p class="PT">Property type:</p></td>
						<div id="PS">
							$property_types= array("none"=>"Any","Houses"=>"Houses","Flats / Apartments"=>"Flats / Apartments");
							echo '<select name="property_type" style="width: 170px;" onChange="this.form.submit()">';
							foreach ($property_types as $ptype => $ptshow){
								echo "<option value=\"$ptype\"" . (isset($_POST['property_type']) && $_POST['property_type']==$ptype ? 'selected="selected"' : '').">$ptshow</option>";}
							echo '</select>';
						<div id="ptype">	 
								<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forsale" onClick="this.form.submit()"<?php echo (isset($_POST['ptype']) && $_POST['ptype']=="forsale" ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); ?> /> For Sale
							<p class="increase">
								<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="forrent" onClick="this.form.submit()"<?php echo (isset($_POST['ptype']) && $_POST['ptype']=="forrent" ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); ?> /> To Rent
							<p class="increase">
								<input type="radio" class="styled" name="ptype" value="any" onClick="this.form.submit()"<?php echo (isset($_POST['ptype']) && $_POST['ptype']=="any" ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); ?> /> Any

			<div id="table2">
				<table id="NBtable">
						<td><p class="NBS">Number of bedrooms:</p></td>
							<div id="NB">
								<select name="min_bedrooms" onChange="this.form.submit()">
									$roomLimit = 5;
									foreach(range(0,$roomLimit) as $minRooms){ 
										if ($minRooms == 0){
											echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Min</option>";
											echo "<option value=\"$minRooms\"" . (isset($_POST['min_bedrooms']) && $_POST['min_bedrooms']=="$minRooms" ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">$minRooms</option>";
								</select> to
								<select name="max_bedrooms" onChange="this.form.submit()">
									$roomLimit = 5;
									foreach(range(0,$roomLimit) as $maxRooms){ 
										if ($maxRooms == 0){
											echo"<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No Max</option>";
											echo "<option value=\"$maxRooms\"" . (isset($_POST['max_bedrooms']) && $_POST['max_bedrooms']=="$maxRooms" ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">$maxRooms</option>";
						<td><p class="PR">Price range:</p></td>
							//Set prices per housing type
							if (isset($_POST['ptype']) && $_POST['ptype']=="forrent"){
								// for rent limits. SET AS NEEDED.
								$priceLimit = "1450";
								$minPrice = "400";
								$step = "50";
								$factor = "";
								$priceLimit = "350";
								$minPrice = "40";
								$step = "10";
								$factor = ",000";
							<div id="PR">

								<select name="min_price" style="width:80px;" onChange="this.form.submit()">
									foreach(range($minPrice,$priceLimit,$step) as $price){
										echo "<option value=\"$price$factor\"" . (isset($_POST['min_price']) && $_POST['min_price']=="$price$factor" ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">£$price$factor</option>";
								</select> to
								<select name="max_price" style="width:80px;" onChange="this.form.submit()">
									//Set $minPrice variable higher that min_price posted
									$minPrice=(isset($_POST['min_price']) ? "{$_POST['min_price']}" : "$minPrice");
									foreach(range($minPrice,$priceLimit,$step) as $price){
										echo "<option value=\"$price$factor\"" . (isset($_POST['max_price']) && $_POST['max_price']=="$price$factor" ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ">£$price$factor</option>";
				<div id="submit1"><input type="submit" name="search" value="Search Properties" /></div>

		<table id="tablepos" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="600">
				<td align="left" valign="top" width="200">
					<div id="line1"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/linetest.png" alt=""/></div>
					<div id="image1"><a href="map.html"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/image1.png" alt="" title="Find property using a map"/></a></div>
				<td align="left" valign="top" width="200">
					<div id="line2"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/linetest.png" alt=""/></div>
					<div id="image2"><a href="#"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/image2.png" alt="" title="Propety features"/></a></div>
				<td align="left" valign="top" width="200">
					<div id="line3"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/linetest.png" alt=""/></div>
					<div id="image3"><a href="http://mumtazproperties.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="cutouts/Homepage/blog.png" alt="" title="Property guides"/></a></div>

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This is my insert.php file code:

if ($debug) { // a variable I set at script top for debugging ;-)
   echo "<!-- $sql -->";
$server = "";      // Enter your MYSQL server name/address between quotes
$username = "";    // Your MYSQL username between quotes
$password = "";    // Your MYSQL password between quotes
$database = "";    // Your MYSQL database between quotes

$con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);       // Connect to the database
if(!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }  // If connection failed, stop and display error
mysql_select_db($database, $con);  // Select database to use
// Query database
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Properties");

// Set up our error check and result check array
$error = array();
$results = array();

// First check if a form was submitted. 
// Since this is a search we will use $_GET
if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
   $searchTerms = trim($_GET['search']);
   $searchTerms = strip_tags($searchTerms); // remove any html/javascript.
   if (strlen($searchTerms) < 10) {
      $error[] = "Search terms must be longer than 10 characters.";
   }else {
      $searchTermDB = mysql_real_escape_string($searchTerms); // prevent sql injection.
   // If there are no errors, lets get the search going.
   if (count($error) < 1) {
      $searchSQL = "SELECT simages, sLocation, sNumberofbedrooms, sdescription FROM Properties WHERE ";
      // grab the search types.
      $types = array();
      $types[] = isset($_GET['images'])?"`simages` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types[] = isset($_GET['Location'])?"`sLocation` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types[] = isset($_GET['Number of bedrooms'])?"`snumberofbedrooms` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":'';
      $types = array_filter($types, "removeEmpty"); // removes any item that was empty (not checked)
      if (count($types) < 1)
         $types[] = "`simages` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'"; // use the body as a default search if none are checked
          $andOr = isset($_GET['matchall'])?'AND':'OR';
      $searchSQL .= implode(" {$andOr} ", $types) . " ORDER BY `sLocation`"; // order by title.

      $searchResult = mysql_query($searchSQL) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$searchSQL}");
      if (mysql_num_rows($searchResult) < 1) {
         $error[] = "The search term provided {$searchTerms} yielded no results.";
      }else {
         $results = array(); // the result array
         $i = 1;
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) {
            $results[] = "{$i}: {$row['sLocation']}<br />{$row['sNumberofbedrooms']}<br />{$row['sbody']}<br /><br />";

function removeEmpty($var) {
   return (!empty($var)); 

if (!$result)
    echo "Error running query:<br>";
    // no records found by query.
    echo "No records found";
    $i = 0;
    echo '<div class="container" style="float:left;">';
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {     // Loop through results
echo '<div class="imageholder" style="float:left;">';
        echo '<img class="image1" src="'. $row['images'] .'" />';   //image
echo '</div>';		
echo '<div class="textholder" style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:13px; float:left; padding-top:10px;">';
        echo "<span style=\"color:green;\"><b>Displaying record $i<br>\n</b><br></span>";
        echo "<b>" . $row['id'] . "</b><br>\n";      // Where 'id' is the column/field title in the database
        echo "Location: ". $row['Location'] . "<br>\n";            // Where 'location' is the column/field title in the database
        echo "Property Type: ". $row['Property_type'] . "<br>\n";       // as above
        echo "Bedrooms: ". $row['Number_of_bedrooms'] . "<br>\n";  // ..
        echo "Purchase Type: ". $row['Purchase_type'] . "<br>\n";       // ..
        echo "Price: ". $row['Price_range'] . "<br>\n";         // ..
echo '</div>';
echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';				
echo '</div>';	}

mysql_close($con);  // Close the connection to the database after results, not before.

OK, here's my updated code for you.  As I siad in the mail, this should work, but It's uncommented and only tested on empty tables.  I have removed your db credentials as I'm now posting this back in a public area, so you will need to edit the mstr_ref.php and put them back in. 


I made a psudo-class for handeling the query which as far as I could test it was doing what it should, and I've tried to keep the css intact as best as I could.


This code isn't really "live ready", there are some changes that should be made before the general public are let loose on it, but for the most part it should do what you're looking for.


Let me know how it goes.




Thanks so much, Iv just tested it and the entries on the search form for property type: are being entered but are blank, no text is shown. Also when I submit the search, nothing seems to be displayed. Have a try here: http://www.mumtazproperties.hostei.com/



Also. the index and insert files when I downloaded them were e.g. 'index.php.xhtml' I took the .xhtml extension of so it is 'index.php' should have I done that, or should I have left it to 'index.php.xhtml'?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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