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Hello all!

I cannot seem to figure out a way to pass an object from one page to another.  Now, my flow may be way off, and if it is, please do advise.

I want to have a form for username/password log in.

When the submit button is hit, it takes those values, finds the matching user in the database, and returns the user object.  We'll call him user_object

Now, I want to bring up another page, that allows user_object to enter in additional information (Event details).  After it does this, it writes those Event Objects into the database. 


My problem is: I need the ID Object attached to user_object while inserting the Event Objects into the database.

The user_object and Event Objects values are assigned from two separate forms and two separate submit buttons. 

How do I pass this information?


I don't want to use session because I have a lot of objects and do not want to serialize and unserialize all the time.  I also read that $_GET is a security risk. 


Thanks in advance for any help!


This is the basic logic of the code I am trying:

<html form whatevs post>
if (creds_match)
	build_object from db
else "Wrong info, dude"
?></endhtml stuffs>


<html form whatevs post>
if (post!empty) 
	object_two = poststuff
assign object_two object_one's _id
insert object_two into db
?></endhtml stuff>


How do I keep the values assigned in section one, and send them or be able to use that same variable in section 2?







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echo 'Unable to log you in with the given username and password combination.<br/>';
echo '<form action="loggedin.php" method="post">
username: <input type="text" name="username" /><br/>
password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />



$logged_in = false;
if(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){
// check if logged in
$logged_in = true;
echo 'logged in as:<br/>';
echo 'username: '.$_POST['username'].'<br/>';
echo 'password: '.$_POST['password'].'<br/>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "login.php?login=error"

// you may also use this, but no html must be sent to the browser before this for the redirect to work
// header('Location: login.php?login=error');

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