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php based login system?


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I wrote this not long ago, it handles logging in, and logging out and is well commented. Also if you don't use the usual mysql database its easy to change that here in the MyDb class returns. (Thanks to help from thorpe on this forum)


You can set the table and field names that your database uses using this class aswell


Any questions just ask.


	File: user_login.class.php
	Purpose: Flexible user login class that handles logging in, checking a user is logged in, and logging out.


	Include this file at the top of each page you wish to protect
	 include("inc/user_login.class.php"); //(This could be put at the top of a global include file)

	Use the following code to check the user is logged in:
	 $user_login = new user_login;		//(This could be put at the top of a global include file)
	 $user_login->validate_user();		//(This should only be left on the pages you wish to check for user validation)

	You will want to use the public redirect_if_logged_in() function instead of validate_user() on the login page like this:
	 $user_login->redirect_if_logged_in(); //(This will redirect a user from the current page to the specified landing page)

 * DB interface
 * Interface for database methods used with the user_login class
interface DB {
	public function query($sql);
	public function num_rows($sql);

 * MyDb implements DB
 * Modify the returns here if your database differs from the usual mysql_ functions
class MyDb implements DB {
	public function query($sql) {
		return mysql_query($sql);

	public function num_rows($sql) {
		return mysql_num_rows($sql);

 * user_login class
 * Main class for logging in users
class user_login{
	private $db;
	private $auto_redirect = true;

	public function __construct($db){
		$this->db = $db;	

	// The variables below are default you can change these with the db_table_config
	public $t_name = "admins";
	public $t_user = "username";
	public $t_pass = "password";
	public $t_lastlogin = "last_login"; //set $t_lastlogin = NULL if you do not have this field in your database

	// Change $login_page and $logged_in_page if your page names are different to this one
	public $login_page = "login.php";
	public $logged_in_page = "logged_in.php";

	// $log_in_error_msg is returned on login failure, can be changed with set_error_msg($error_msg)
	public $log_in_error_msg = "The username or password you have entered is incorrect or does not exist";

	// Do not touch anything below unless you know what your doing

	 * logged_in_user()
	 * Returns value of the current logged in username
	public function logged_in_user(){
		return $_SESSION['user_username'];

	 * automatic_redirect()
	 * Takes 1 bool parameter
	 * Turn automatic redirect on or off. On by default
	public function automatic_redirect($bool){
		$this->auto_redirect = $bool;

	 * db_table_config
	 * Takes 4 string parameters
	 * Sets the table name and the username, pass and lastlogin field names for the database. t_lastlogin is optional
	 public function db_table_config($t_name, $t_user, $t_pass, $t_lastlogin=NULL){
		 $this->t_name = $t_name;
		 $this->t_user = $t_user;
		 $this->t_pass = $t_pass;
		 $this->t_lastlogin = $t_lastlogin;

	 * set_pages
	 * Takes 2 string parameters
	 * Sets the login page, and on logged in page. If automatic_redirect(true) is used, the class will set the headers and redirect the user automaticaly
	 public function set_pages($login_page, $logged_in_page){
		 $this->login_page = $login_page;
		 $this->logged_in_page = $logged_in_page;

	 * set_error_msg
	 * Takes 1 string parameter
	 * Sets the error message on login failure
	 public function set_error_msg($error_msg){
		 $this->log_in_error_msg = $error_msg;

	 * log_in()
	 * Takes 2 parameters ($username, $password)
	 * Attempts to log in with the provided credentials, on success, the username and password are saved in the session for future testing
	public function log_in($username, $password){
		$username = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($username));
		$password = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($password));

		$query_login = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$this->t_name."
								 		WHERE ".$this->t_user."='$username' AND ".$this->t_pass."='$password'");

		$login_accepted = $this->db->num_rows($query_login);

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			if($t_lastlogin != NULL){
				$query_update_last_login = $this->db->query("UPDATE ".$this->t_name." SET ".$this->t_lastlogin."='".time()."'
															WHERE ".$this->t_user."='$username'");	
			$_SESSION['user_username'] = $username;
			$_SESSION['user_password'] = $password;
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * check_user()
	 * Returns true if the current session credentials can be found in the database, otherwise returns false
	public function check_user(){
		$query_login = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$this->t_name."
								 		WHERE ".$this->t_user."='".$_SESSION['user_username']."' 
										AND ".$this->t_pass."='".$_SESSION['user_password']."'");

		$login_accepted = $this->db->num_rows($query_login);

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * validate_user()
	 * Returns true if the current session credentials can be found in the database, otherwise logs user out and returns false
	public function validate_user(){
		$login_accepted = $this->check_user();

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * redirect_if_logged_in()
	 * Redirects the user to the specified landing page if the user is logged in
	public function redirect_if_logged_in(){
		if($this->auto_redirect == true){
				header("Location: ".$this->logged_in_page);	

	 * log_out()
	 * Logs the user out by setting the session credentials to an empty string and redirecting them to the specified login page
	public function log_out(){
		if($this->auto_redirect == true){
			header("Location: ".$this->login_page);

	 * destroy_session()
	 * Removes session and session cookie data
	private function destory_session(){

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The log-in script above stores passwords in plain-text, so I strongly recommend against using it.


Not meaning to bash the author - it's a great educational tool, but it's not ready for production use.

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Now he can create his own hash and just change the hash in the class below "MyHasher", what dyu think?


	Author: Craig Dennis
	File: user_login.class.php
	Purpose: Flexible user login class that handles logging in, checking a user is logged in, and logging out.


	Include this file at the top of each page you wish to protect
	 include("inc/user_login.class.php"); //(This could be put at the top of a global include file)

	Use the following code to check the user is logged in:
	 $user_login = new user_login;		//(This could be put at the top of a global include file)
	 $user_login->validate_user();		//(This should only be left on the pages you wish to check for user validation)

	You will want to use the public redirect_if_logged_in() function instead of validate_user() on the login page like this:
	 $user_login->redirect_if_logged_in(); //(This will redirect a user from the current page to the specified landing page)

 * DB interface
 * Interface for database methods used with the user_login class
interface DB {
	public function query($sql);
	public function num_rows($sql);

 * MyDb implements DB
 * Modify the returns here if your database differs from the usual mysql_ functions
class MyDb implements DB {
	public function query($sql) {
		return mysql_query($sql);

	public function num_rows($sql) {
		return mysql_num_rows($sql);

class MyHasher {
	private $salt = "a6B2yj90sZ34";

	public function set_salt($salt){
		$this->salt = $salt;

	public function	hash_string($string){
		return sha1(md5($this->salt.$string));

	public function check_hashed_string($user_input, $correct_pass){
		if($this->hash_string($user_input) == $correct_pass){
			return true;
			return false;	

 * user_login class
 * Main class for logging in users
class user_login{
	private $db;
	private $hasher;
	private $auto_redirect = true;

	public function __construct($db, $hasher){
		$this->db = $db;
		$this->hasher = $hasher;

	// The variables below are default you can change these with the db_table_config
	public $t_name = "admins";
	public $t_user = "username";
	public $t_pass = "password";
	public $t_lastlogin = "last_login"; //set $t_lastlogin = NULL if you do not have this field in your database

	// Change $login_page and $logged_in_page if your page names are different to this one
	public $login_page = "login.php";
	public $logged_in_page = "logged_in.php";

	// $log_in_error_msg is returned on login failure, can be changed with set_error_msg($error_msg)
	public $log_in_error_msg = "The username or password you have entered is incorrect or does not exist";

	// Do not touch anything below unless you know what your doing

	 * logged_in_user()
	 * Returns value of the current logged in username
	public function logged_in_user(){
		return $_SESSION['user_username'];

	 * automatic_redirect()
	 * Takes 1 bool parameter
	 * Turn automatic redirect on or off. On by default
	public function automatic_redirect($bool){
		$this->auto_redirect = $bool;

	 * db_table_config
	 * Takes 4 string parameters
	 * Sets the table name and the username, pass and lastlogin field names for the database. t_lastlogin is optional
	 public function db_table_config($t_name, $t_user, $t_pass, $t_lastlogin=NULL){
		 $this->t_name = $t_name;
		 $this->t_user = $t_user;
		 $this->t_pass = $t_pass;
		 $this->t_lastlogin = $t_lastlogin;

	 * set_pages
	 * Takes 2 string parameters
	 * Sets the login page, and on logged in page. If automatic_redirect(true) is used, the class will set the headers and redirect the user automaticaly
	 public function set_pages($login_page, $logged_in_page){
		 $this->login_page = $login_page;
		 $this->logged_in_page = $logged_in_page;

	 * set_error_msg
	 * Takes 1 string parameter
	 * Sets the error message on login failure
	 public function set_error_msg($error_msg){
		 $this->log_in_error_msg = $error_msg;

	 * log_in()
	 * Takes 2 parameters ($username, $password)
	 * Attempts to log in with the provided credentials, on success, the username and password are saved in the session for future testing
	public function log_in($username, $password){
		$username = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($username));
		$password = stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($password));

		$password = $this->hasher->hash_string($password);
		$query_login = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$this->t_name."
								 		WHERE ".$this->t_user."='$username' AND ".$this->t_pass."='$password'");

		$login_accepted = $this->db->num_rows($query_login);

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			if($t_lastlogin != NULL){
				$query_update_last_login = $this->db->query("UPDATE ".$this->t_name." SET ".$this->t_lastlogin."='".time()."'
															WHERE ".$this->t_user."='$username'");	
			$_SESSION['user_username'] = $username;
			$_SESSION['user_password'] = $password;
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * check_user()
	 * Returns true if the current session credentials can be found in the database, otherwise returns false
	public function check_user(){
		$query_login = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$this->t_name."
								 		WHERE ".$this->t_user."='".$_SESSION['user_username']."' 
										AND ".$this->t_pass."='".$_SESSION['user_password']."'");

		$login_accepted = $this->db->num_rows($query_login);

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * validate_user()
	 * Returns true if the current session credentials can be found in the database, otherwise logs user out and returns false
	public function validate_user(){
		$login_accepted = $this->check_user();

		if($login_accepted == 1){
			return true;
			return false;	

	 * redirect_if_logged_in()
	 * Redirects the user to the specified landing page if the user is logged in
	public function redirect_if_logged_in(){
		if($this->auto_redirect == true){
				header("Location: ".$this->logged_in_page);	

	 * log_out()
	 * Logs the user out by setting the session credentials to an empty string and redirecting them to the specified login page
	public function log_out(){
		if($this->auto_redirect == true){
			header("Location: ".$this->login_page);

	 * destroy_session()
	 * Removes session and session cookie data
	private function destroy_session(){

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I'd still suggest he uses something like PHPass, which has been developed by security experts.


Again, your code is very educational, but not ready for production. Check out the article in my signature

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Also, the code that Zephni posted is undoing (stripslashes) the escaping that it adds to the username, so it is possible to satisfy the log in code without knowing the password (you just need to know, find, or guess any username that is in the table) and since the unescaped username is being stored in a session variable and re-used in other queries, all the queries using that value can be bypassed.

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