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Scroller on my website for no apparent reason


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After I put a google ad on the top I had various problems with it.


First problem the ad is positioned in a way that if you move the website right to left it's clipped on the right side.

How do I clip it after the logo instead? (the left side).


Biggest problem is that the top ad added a Scrollbar for no reason and I don't know how to remove it now.


Website is http://www.CamSpark.com


As for posting code it looks like this

        <div id="adwrapperTop">



position: absolute;
right: 25em;
top: 10px;
border-collapse: collapse;

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1) Remove `min-height: 100%` from <body>

2) Set a min-width on your body / wrapper (900px works great) because this is terrible


3) Change #adwrapperTop {} from right: 35em; to left: 15em;


Optional improvement steps

4) Use IE for it's real purpose... downloading Firefox.

5) Study HTML & CSS



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here you can clearly see the scrollbar



Well of course. Your content is longer than the viewport - how do you expect people to see content that is below the viewport if there is no scroll bar? Even if you can manage to shrink your content so that the scrollbar isn't visible on your computer, different devices have different viewport heights, so the scrollbar will be there for other users anyways.

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1) Remove `min-height: 100%` from <body>

2) Set a min-width on your body / wrapper (900px works great) because this is terrible


3) Change #adwrapperTop {} from right: 35em; to left: 15em;


Optional improvement steps

4) Use IE for it's real purpose... downloading Firefox.

5) Study HTML & CSS




Wow thanks for all your advise it's good information. What do you think is causing the min-height: 100% to be added to body. I couldn't find it anywhere in style.css seems to be added by some javascript. Any way to figure out what adds it?


Thanks for all your advise


Figured it out.. the Google translator adds that min-height. Anyway to cancel out CSS without javascript?


tried adding

min-height:100%; !important


to style.css  but the style in body overwrites that.

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By setting overflow:hidden on the page, you cut off the bottom of your site to anyone using a viewport that doesn't show the entire page. This will be people on mobile devices and netbooks mainly.


I guess if you value aesthetics over usability, it's a solution. But generally it's preferred that people can actually use your site.

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