hashstar Posted May 10, 2012 Share Posted May 10, 2012 Hi there, I am trying to add a bit of php to capture an email address and add it to mysql database. This part works fine but i get this message: Error: Duplicate entry '' for key 'PRIMARY' How do i get rid of this error? Thanks! <?php session_start(); include('include/includes.php'); $cart = Cart::CreateInstance(); if(isset($_GET)){ foreach($_GET as $k=>$v){ $smarty->assign($k,$v); } } if(isset($_GET['remove'])){ $cart->RemoveItems($_GET['remove'],1); } if(isset($_GET['removeAll'])){ $cart->RemoveItems($_GET['removeAll'],$_GET['counts']); } if(isset($_GET['emptyCart'])){ if($_GET['emptyCart']){ $cart->EmptyCart(); header("Location: cart.html"); exit(0); }} if(isset($_GET['add'])){ $itemId = $_GET['add']; $size = $_GET['size']; if (isset($_GET['qty'])) { $qty = $_GET['qty']; } else { $qty = 1; } $cart->addItems($itemId.'-'.$size, array($size,$itemId), $qty); } $cart = Cart::CreateInstance(); $cartBox = $cart->GetCart(); //print_r($cartBox); $total = 0; $subTotal = array(); $db = new DB(); $prods = $db->select("SELECT friendly,name,id FROM products"); $smarty->assign('prods',$prods); if(is_array($cartBox)){ foreach($cartBox as $key=>$item){ $id = $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[1]; $products = $db->select("SELECT detail,image,friendly,name FROM products WHERE id='$id'"); $detailjson = json_decode($products[0]['detail']); foreach($detailjson as $detail){ list($k, $v) = split_by_colon($detail); if($k == $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[0]){ $price = $v;} } $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[3] = $products[0]['image']; $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[6] = $products[0]['name']; $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[2] = $products[0]['friendly']; $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[5] = $price; $sub = (int)$item['count'] * $price; $cartBox[$key]['data']->_itemData[4] = $sub; $total += $sub; } } else { $cartBox = array(); } $count = $cart->GetItemsCount(); $shipping = (int)0; if($total>0&&$total<5){ $shipping = 2.99; }elseif($total>5&&$total<10){ $shipping = 3.99; }elseif($total>10&&$total<15){ $shipping = 4.99; }elseif($total>15&&$total<20){ $shipping = 5.99; }elseif($total>20&&$total<30){ $shipping = 6.99; }elseif($total>30&&$total<40){ $shipping = 7.99; }elseif($total>40&&$total<50){ $shipping = 8.99; }elseif($total>50&&$total<60){ $shipping = 9.99; }elseif($total>60&&$total<70){ $shipping = 10.99; }elseif($total>70&&$total<80){ $shipping = 11.99; }elseif($total>80&&$total<90){ $shipping = 12.99; }elseif($total>90&&$total<100){ $shipping = 15.99; }elseif($total>100&&$total<110){ $shipping = 16.99; }elseif($total>110&&$total<120){ $shipping = 17.99; }elseif($total>120&&$total<130){ $shipping = 18.99; }elseif($total>130&&$total<140){ $shipping = 19.99; }elseif($total>140&&$total<150){ $shipping = 20.99; }elseif($total>150&&$total<160){ $shipping = 21.99; }elseif($total>160&&$total<170){ $shipping = 22.99; }elseif($total>170&&$total<180){ $shipping = 23.99; }elseif($total>180){ $shipping = 24.99; } /* 0 - 4.99 = 2.99 5 - 9.99 = 3.99 10 - 14.99 = 4.99 15 - 19.99 = 5.99 20 - 29.99 = 6.99 30 - 39.99 = 7.99 40 - 49.99 = 8.99 50 - 69.99 = 9.99 70 - 99.99 = 10.99 100+ = 12.99 */ if(isset($_GET['eushipping'])||(isset($_POST['rec_country'])&&$_POST['rec_country']!='uk')){ if($_POST['rec_country']=='au' || $_GET['country']=='au'){ //Set shipping for Austria $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*30.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='be' || $_GET['country']=='be'){ //Set shipping for Belgium $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*20.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='bu' || $_GET['country']=='bu'){ //Set shipping for Bulgaria $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*50.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='cy' || $_GET['country']=='cy'){ //Set shipping for Cyprus $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*108.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='cz' || $_GET['country']=='cz'){ //Set shipping for Czech Republic $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*33.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='de' || $_GET['country']=='de'){ //Set shipping for Denmark $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*30.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='es' || $_GET['country']=='es'){ //Set shipping for Estonia $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*45.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='fi' || $_GET['country']=='fi'){ //Set shipping for Finalnd $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*30.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='fr' || $_GET['country']=='fr'){ //Set shipping for France $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*28.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ge' || $_GET['country']=='ge'){ //Set shipping for Germany $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*25.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='gr' || $_GET['country']=='gr'){ //Set shipping for Greece $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*50.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='hu' || $_GET['country']=='hu'){ //Set shipping for Hungary $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*25.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ir' || $_GET['country']=='ir'){ //Set shipping for Ireland $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*25.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='it' || $_GET['country']=='it'){ //Set shipping for Italy $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*30.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='la' || $_GET['country']=='la'){ //Set shipping for Latvia $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*42.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='li' || $_GET['country']=='li'){ //Set shipping for Lithuania $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*35.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='lu' || $_GET['country']=='lu'){ //Set shipping for Luxembourg $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*20.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ma' || $_GET['country']=='ma'){ //Set shipping for Malta $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*108.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ne' || $_GET['country']=='ne'){ //Set shipping for Netherlands $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*25.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='no' || $_GET['country']=='no'){ //Set shipping for Norway $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*37.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='pol' || $_GET['country']=='pol'){ //Set shipping for Poland $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*35.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='por' || $_GET['country']=='por'){ //Set shipping for Portugal $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*30.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ro' || $_GET['country']=='ro'){ //Set shipping for Romania $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*48.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='slv' || $_GET['country']=='slv'){ //Set shipping for Slovakia $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*32.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='slk' || $_GET['country']=='slk'){ //Set shipping for Slovenia $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*29.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='sp' || $_GET['country']=='sp'){ //Set shipping for Spain $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*36.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='swe' || $_GET['country']=='swe'){ //Set shipping for Sweden $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*32.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='swi' || $_GET['country']=='swi'){ //Set shipping for Switzerland $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*55.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ukh' || $_GET['country']=='ukh'){ //Set shipping for UK - Highlnads and Islands $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*18.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='ukn' || $_GET['country']=='ukn'){ //Set shipping for UK - Northern Island $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*18.00; }elseif($_POST['rec_country']=='jng' || $_GET['country']=='jng'){ //Set shipping for Jersey and Guernsey $shipping = ceil($total/60.00)*34.00; } } /* */ if(isset($_GET['count'])){ echo (int)$count; exit; } if(isset($_GET['order'])){ if($_GET['order']){ }} if(isset($_GET['ajax'])){ $noAjax = $_GET['ajax']; }else{ $noAjax = false; } $smarty->assign('noAjax',$noAjax); if(isset($_GET['t'])){ $t=$_GET['t'].'.tpl'; } else { $t = 'cart.tpl'; } if(isset($_POST['cmd'])) { $_SESSION['paypal'] = $_POST; //print_r($_POST); } if(isset($_POST['rec_houseA1'])){ $filename = time().'-'.rand(1,499); $paypal = $_SESSION['paypal']; unset($paypal['checkout_x']); unset($paypal['checkout_y']); $_SESSION['addresses'] = $_POST; $File = 'sales/'.$filename.'.php'; $Handle = fopen($File, 'x'); fwrite($Handle,'<? '); fwrite($Handle,'$cart = array('); foreach($cartBox as $k=>$v){ fwrite($Handle,'"'.$k.'"=>array('); foreach($v as $key=>$value){ if(is_object($value)){ fwrite($Handle,'"'.$key.'"=>(object)array('); foreach($value as $keys=>$values){ if(is_array($values)){ fwrite($Handle,'"'.$keys.'"=>array('); foreach($values as $keyd=>$valued){ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$keyd.'"=>"'.$valued.'",'); } fwrite($Handle,'""=>""),'); }else{ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$keys.'"=>"'.$values.'",'); } } fwrite($Handle,'""=>""),'); }else{fwrite($Handle, '"'.$key.'"=>"'.$value.'",');} } fwrite($Handle,'""=>""),'); } //$total += $_POST['shipping']; fwrite($Handle,'"total"=>"'.$total.'");'); fwrite($Handle,' '); fwrite($Handle,'$detail = array('); foreach($_POST as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($v)){ fwrite($Handle,'array('); foreach($v as $key=>$value){ if(is_array($value)){ fwrite($Handle,'array('); foreach($value as $keys=>$values){ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$keys.'"=>"'.$values.'",'); } fwrite($Handle,')'); }else{fwrite($Handle, '"'.$key.'"=>"'.$value.'",');} } fwrite($Handle,')'); }else{ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$k.'"=>"'.$v.'",'); } } fwrite($Handle,'""=>"");'); fwrite($Handle,' '); fwrite($Handle,'$paypal = array('); foreach($paypal as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($v)){ fwrite($Handle,'array('); foreach($v as $key=>$value){ if(is_array($value)){ fwrite($Handle,'array('); foreach($value as $keys=>$values){ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$keys.'"=>"'.$values.'",'); } fwrite($Handle,')'); }else{fwrite($Handle, '"'.$key.'"=>"'.$value.'",');} } fwrite($Handle,')'); }else{ fwrite($Handle, '"'.$k.'"=>"'.$v.'",'); } } fwrite($Handle,'""=>"");'); fwrite($Handle,' '); fwrite($Handle,'$shipping = "'.$shipping.'"; '); fwrite($Handle,'$subtotal = "'.$total.'"; '); $totals = $total+$shipping; fwrite($Handle,'$totals = "'.$totals.'";'); fclose($Handle); $smarty->assign('filename',$filename); $smarty->assign('shipping',$shipping); $smarty->assign('paypal',$paypal); //print_r($paypal); $smarty->display('paypal.tpl'); }else{ $smarty->assign('total',$total+$shipping); $smarty->assign('itemsInBox',$count); $smarty->assign('cartBox',$cartBox); $smarty->assign('shipping',$shipping); $style = $db->select("SELECT * FROM styles WHERE `name`='default'"); $smarty->assign('style',$style); $smarty->display($t); } ?> <?php $con = mysql_connect("organicgrowshopcouk.fatcowmysql.com","worm","*******"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("ogs_mailinglist1", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO mailinglist (email) VALUES ('$_POST[rec_email]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_close($con); ?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy-H Posted May 10, 2012 Share Posted May 10, 2012 My god! Please use or tags, this is more MySQL, if yout primary key is an auto_increment ID then insert the value as NULL, if you simply wish to suppress the error use INSERT IGNORE //edit why didn't [nobbc][/nobbc] tags work first time? lol Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/#findComment-1344595 Share on other sites More sharing options...
downah Posted May 10, 2012 Share Posted May 10, 2012 do you have an auto increment field in your table? could you show it? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/#findComment-1344596 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hashstar Posted May 10, 2012 Author Share Posted May 10, 2012 Hi thanks for the quick replies! Sorry will use cod tags in future . downah: i do not have an auto increment field in my table. I only have 1 field in the table right now. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/#findComment-1344599 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy-H Posted May 10, 2012 Share Posted May 10, 2012 Hi thanks for the quick replies! Sorry will use cod tags in future . downah: i do not have an auto increment field in my table. I only have 1 field in the table right now. In that case your email is set to primary_key extra "unique", either remove the unique or check if the email address you're trying to insert already exists in the database, if so, output an error and ask for another. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/#findComment-1344603 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hashstar Posted May 10, 2012 Author Share Posted May 10, 2012 Ah that solved it!! Thanks for the help guys!!! Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262375-error-duplicate-entry-for-key-primary/#findComment-1344607 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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