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ANNOYING Apache Problem!!!!


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i can view the files on my apache server (which runs off of my computer) perfectly using localhost.....but when someone tries to access my server using (WAN IP Address) it prompts them for a username and password?!?!?! WHAT IS CAUSING THIS??? I never had this problem before on my old apache server!! plz help!!
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This is most probably a problem with the ports opened on your router. What is happening is that the router doesnt know where to redirect the HTTP request to.
Open port 80 (or whichever you apache is listening to) through your modem/router's control panel and redirect to your local IP
Hope it works
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote author=zanus link=topic=113932.msg464863#msg464863 date=1162997138]
check the configuration of your router and make sure DMZ is turned on for your IP

The computer in the DMZ is not protected from hacker attacks.

^thats what it says in my router settings...isnt that a little risky?
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