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Hello, I am designing a site which alows users to upload a certain file type, namely .dem files (gaming demo files). I have tried using mime_content_type(); but it doesn't output anything.


I looked at php.net and viewed the example code and tried exactly what they did. As I say, doesn't output anything though.


The code is:

  echo mime_content_type('smuggles.dem');


I have this code in a file called test.php and the demo file is in the same folder as this file... (wamp/www)


php.net states the function is deprecated and advises you to use Fileinfo(). Is this the reason it doesn't work because I was advised from another forum to use the mime_content_type() function.


Please if you can help me I would be very grateful. I have been stuck on this for a few days now and have received no more replies from the other forum since my last post. I also thought that coming to a php dominant forum would really help my chances of achieving this.


Kind regards,



So the example code they give here:



$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); // return mime type ala mimetype extension
foreach (glob("*") as $filename) {
    echo finfo_file($finfo, $filename) . "\n";


How do I set the $filename variable to the specified file?


Sorry but I do not understand exactly how finfo works.






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