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Hi guys, for a long time now I have been using the same block of code to include my content pages into my layout, I understand what it does as a whole, but I have never understood what the individual parts do, could someone explain the main parts please. Thanks.


here's the code:



    if (isset($_GET['page'])) 
    if (strpos($_GET['page'], "/")) 
    $direc = substr(str_replace('..', '', $_GET['page']), 0, strpos($_GET['page'], "/")) . "/";
    $file = substr(strrchr($_GET['page'], "/"), 1);
    if (file_exists($direc.$file.".php")) 
} else {
} else {
    if (file_exists(basename($_GET['page']).".php")) 
} else {
} else {

It's router code.  It does this:


  • Gets the ?page= param from your querystring,
  • Checks to see if the page has a forward-slash in it
  • If so, gets the first part of the requested page as $direc (e.g. 'foo/bar' would give a $direc of 'foo/')
  • Then gets the $file as everything after the "/"
  • Then checks to see if the file exists as "foo/bar.php"
  • If so, includes it
  • Else, includes an error
  • If nothign was provided, includes a default php script


PS - it's kind of crappy router code... you could improve on it a lot.  There are some major security holes in this script.

well, require($direc.$file.".php"); allows people to include any php relative to your include path, or relative to root.


if you made it relative to a given dir, it would be better, so if you had a dir structure like this:


/var/www/myapp/www/index.php - your router

/var/www/myapp/pages/ - your include path

/var/www/myapp/pages/section/action.php - an example of a php file to include


So assume I request ?page=section/action


Then in index.php, do this:



// Get the absolute path to the "pages" dir (in this case it's "/var/www/myapp/pages/")
$dirname = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/pages/";

if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
    // Remove any invalid character 
    $page = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9\-\_\/]+/g", "", $_GET['page']));

    // Get the filepath
    $filepath = "";
    if (strpos($page, "/")) {
        $filepath = substr($page, 0, strpos($page, "/")) . "/"
                    . substr(strrchr($page, "/"), 1);
    } else {
        $filepath = basename($page);

    // If the file exists in the "pages" dir, use it, else use "pages/error.php"
    if (file_exists("{$dirname}{$filepath}.php")) {
    } else {

} else {
    // If no file was requested, use "pages/default.php"


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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