newphpcoder Posted May 17, 2012 Share Posted May 17, 2012 Hi... I have code in getting the lotcodes and output_qty from dipping table until the req_qty will be equal on the total output_qty from lotcodes. this codes work correctly on the first: $cmd = "set @t = 0"; $result = mysql_query($cmd); $cmd2 = "set @rqty=$ReqQty"; $res = mysql_query($cmd2); $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) as pcode, LOT_CODE as code, DATE_ENTRY, CASE WHEN @t+OUTPUT_QTY > @rqty THEN @rqty - @t ELSE OUTPUT_QTY END as qty,@t := @t + d.OUTPUT_QTY as cumulative FROM dipping d WHERE SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) = '$Comp' AND (@t < @rqty)"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $pcode = $row['pcode']; $LOT_CODE = $row['code']; $DATE_ENTRY = $row['DATE_ENTRY']; $qty = $row['qty']; $cumulative = $row['cumulative']; $sql = "INSERT INTO jo_dump (jo_number, pcode, lotcode, qty, cumulative, date_entry) VALUES ('$currentSR', '$pcode', '$LOT_CODE', '$qty', '$cumulative', '$DATE_ENTRY')"; $res_in = mysql_query($sql, $con); } but when I approve or create another jo number, I notice that the list of lotcode from the first jo displayed also on the second jo. The correct is if on the last lotcode has a balance it will be the first lotcode displayed on the second jo. here is my code now: /----check if jo_dump has data----- $sql = "SELECT * FROM jo_dump"; $res_jodump = mysql_query($sql, $con); $row_jodump = mysql_num_rows($res_jodump); //----if jo_dump is <=0, get the lotcode, qty , etc from dipping table until the sum of total output will equal to req qty. if ($row_jodump <= 0){ $cmd = "set @t = 0"; $result = mysql_query($cmd); $cmd2 = "set @rqty=$ReqQty"; $res = mysql_query($cmd2); $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) as pcode, LOT_CODE as code, DATE_ENTRY, CASE WHEN @t+OUTPUT_QTY > @rqty THEN @rqty - @t ELSE OUTPUT_QTY END as qty,@t := @t + d.OUTPUT_QTY as cumulative FROM dipping d WHERE SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) = '$Comp' AND (@t < @rqty)"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $pcode = $row['pcode']; $LOT_CODE = $row['code']; $DATE_ENTRY = $row['DATE_ENTRY']; $qty = $row['qty']; $cumulative = $row['cumulative']; $sql = "INSERT INTO jo_dump (jo_number, pcode, lotcode, qty, cumulative, date_entry) VALUES ('$currentSR', '$pcode', '$LOT_CODE', '$qty', '$cumulative', '$DATE_ENTRY')"; $res_in = mysql_query($sql, $con); } } //---else select the last lotcode, qty, etc if the last lotcode has a balance output so it would be the first lotcode on the second jo, here I got a problem in logic and coding to get the last lotcode and display it on the second approve jo number. else{ $sql = "SELECT jo_number, pcode, lotcode, qty, cumulative, date_entry FROM jo_dump ORDER BY date_entry DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $res_jp = mysql_query($sql, $con); $row_jp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_jp); $lotcode = $row_jp['lotcode']; $qty = $row_jp['qty']; $cmd = "set @t = 0"; $result = mysql_query($cmd); $cmd2 = "set @rqty=$ReqQty"; $res = mysql_query($cmd2); $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) as pcode, LOT_CODE as code, DATE_ENTRY, CASE WHEN @t+OUTPUT_QTY > @rqty THEN @rqty - @t ELSE OUTPUT_QTY END as qty,@t := @t + d.OUTPUT_QTY as cumulative FROM dipping d WHERE SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) = '$Comp' AND (@t < @rqty)"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $pcode = $row['pcode']; $LOT_CODE = $row['code']; $DATE_ENTRY = $row['DATE_ENTRY']; $qty = $row['qty']; $cumulative = $row['cumulative']; $sql = "INSERT INTO jo_dump (jo_number, pcode, lotcode, qty, cumulative, date_entry) VALUES ('$currentSR', '$pcode', '$LOT_CODE', '$qty', '$cumulative', '$DATE_ENTRY')"; $res_in = mysql_query($sql, $con); } } I attach my sample documents for better understanding Thank you so much. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted May 17, 2012 Share Posted May 17, 2012 but when I approve or create another jo number, I notice that the list of lotcode from the first jo displayed also on the second jo. Of course they will, the data hasn't changed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted May 17, 2012 Share Posted May 17, 2012 Note to others reading this thread If you want to know what he's talking about you need to read one of his other threads on this subject Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 You should also store output_qty in jo_dump and columns output_qty,qty shouldn't be varchar type. $cmd = "set @t = 0"; $result = mysql_query($cmd); $cmd2 = "set @rqty=$ReqQty"; $res = mysql_query($cmd2); $cmd3="set @lastrequest_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00'"; $res = mysql_query($cmd3); $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) as pcode, LOT_CODE as code, op_qty, DATE_ENTRY, CASE WHEN @t+op_qty > @rqty THEN @rqty - @t ELSE op_qty END as qty,@t := @t + d.op_qty as cumulative from ((select LOT_CODE,output_qty -qty as op_qty,@lastrequest_date:=DATE_ENTRY as DATE_ENTRY from jo_dump where output_qty > qty and pcode = '$Comp' order by DATE_ENTRY desc limit 1) UNION (select LOT_CODE,output_qty as op_qty ,DATE_ENTRY from dipping where DATE_ENTRY >@lastrequest_date and SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4)='$Comp' ) )d WHERE (@t < @rqty)"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $pcode = $row['pcode']; $LOT_CODE = $row['code']; $DATE_ENTRY = $row['DATE_ENTRY']; $output_qty=$row['op_qty']; $qty = $row['qty']; $cumulative = $row['cumulative']; $sql = "INSERT INTO jo_dump (jo_number, pcode, lotcode, qty,output_qty, cumulative, date_entry) VALUES ('$currentSR', '$pcode', '$LOT_CODE', $qty,$output_$qty,$cumulative, '$DATE_ENTRY')"; $res_in = mysql_query($sql, $con); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 The above query fails when JO's last record OUTPUT_QTY and QTY are same in JO_DUMP table with fix $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4) as pcode, LOT_CODE as code, op_qty, DATE_ENTRY, CASE WHEN @t+op_qty > @rqty THEN @rqty - @t ELSE op_qty END as qty,@t := @t + d.op_qty as cumulative from ((select LOT_CODE,output_qty -qty as op_qty,@lastrequest_date:=DATE_ENTRY as DATE_ENTRY from jo_dump where pcode = '$Comp' order by DATE_ENTRY desc limit 1) UNION (select LOT_CODE,output_qty as op_qty ,DATE_ENTRY from dipping where DATE_ENTRY >@lastrequest_date and SUBSTR(LOT_CODE, 9,4)='$Comp' ) )d WHERE (@t < @rqty) having op_qty >0 "; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted May 19, 2012 Share Posted May 19, 2012 @newphpcoder -- last warning -- stop posting new topics for the same issue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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