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Keyword Density Calculation On A Certain Keyword Phrase


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I have this code that check every word for its keyword density thats fine but what i want to do is pass in 3 keywords and check the density against the text

heres my code so far


$str = "With the advancement in the internet era, blogging has become very common. In fact, by doing a simple search online you are bound to come across many blogs. Even so, many people wonder what is a blog. Blogs are websites that consist of various discussions, comments and post by the owner and the audience. Blogs can be for personal use or official use, all they really do is help people interact. So how do you blog exactly? Nowadays, making a blog is no longer hard because today you can easily come across many websites, which provide you a platform to make your own blog on. With the help of these platforms you do not have to be caught up in any of the technical aspects, simply post your content as directed by the platform.

But why should you blog? There are many reasons and advantages of starting your own blog. But in this article we cover some of the many advantages of blogging to small businesses only. Internet advancement is spreading; nowadays everyone has access to the internet therefore by keeping a blog you will allow yourself to be found by many people. Today, when people look for something they need, they check for its availability and information online. With proper SEO and generation of high quality content, you will surely be able to attract an amount ample of customers, which will allow your business to grow.

Furthermore, once your blog gains attention you will be surprised as to how many internet-marketing companies will pay you to allow them advertise on your blog. What does this mean for you? More cash, income and more growth for your small business. In addition, by creating a blog you will have access to a much larger audience than you would have, had you not created the website. The blog will be accessible to everyone around the world, which means that there is more chance for you to succeed in your business because your customer base is likely to be large.

One of the biggest advantages that you get from blogging is that fact that it allows you to keep your investment costs to the lowest. Without a blog you would need a place and people to help you manage and run the place, but with a blog you can do it all on your own. All the facts and customers will interact with you through the blog therefore, you will not require many people to monitor the customers, as a few will be able to do a good job.

Because of the above advantages and rapid increase in formation of blog, many social media companies shave entered the digital market. What is social media? Social media companies help various businesses manage their blogs to ensure that all the customers being served properly. In fact many of them have even created softwares, for example the Social news offices. This software has the ability to create scheduled posts, which will go out as directed on the companies blogs and various social networks. Such software makes managing customers, blogs and social networks a lot easier.

To get started with blogging visit http://www.socialnewsoffice.com/";

// str_word_count($str,1) - returns an array containing all the words found inside the string
$words = str_word_count(strtolower($str),1);
$numWords = count($words);

// array_count_values() returns an array using the values of the input array as keys and their frequency in input as values.
$word_count = (array_count_values($words));

foreach ($word_count as $key=>$val) {
    echo "$key = $val. Density: ".number_format(($val/$numWords)*100)."%<br/>\n";

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