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how to output query to html template place-holders??


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Hi there guys,


I'm trying to output a database query to an html template using php, basically i've got a while loop that replaces the template place-holders with the database values retrieved on the $values i then use the variable $out to replace the place-holders in the template by the values stored in $values but its not working and i cant seem to understand what am i doing wrong hopefully a pair of fresh eyes will.


hopefully someone can help understand a bit better how to do this correctly, here is the code that i have:




require_once 'file_includes/config.php';
$link = mysqli_connect(

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    exit('Sorry, there has been an error. Please try again later.');

$sql = 'SELECT firstname, lastname FROM author';
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);

check query
if($result === false) {

get the results
$tlp = file_get_contents('test.html');

$values = '[+name+]';

$out = str_replace('[+name+]', $values, $tlp);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

$output .= str_replace(
	array($row['firstname'], $values);

echo $out;


and the template




I just want to get the while loop values from the query to replace the template place-holders, can anyone help me trying to understand what am i doing wrong

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Is there a particular reason you think this is a better idea than using php itself? eg;


<p><?php echo $name; ?></p>


I know what you mean, but this is one of the exercises of my uni (not assignment) and we were told to do it this way : (, i know how to do it without the while loop eg:


$title = 'Template example';

$heading = 'Template Heading';

$content = '<p>Hello World!</p>';



$out = str_replace('[+title+]', $title, $tlp);

$out = str_replace('[+heading+]', $heading, $output);

$out = str_replace('[+content+]', $content, $output);


echo $out;


but for some reason i cant get the same result with the while loop..any ideas, please


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All you would need to do is loop through your data and store the results.


while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
  $output[] = $row['firstname'];


Then, use that to do your replace.


$out = str_replace('[+name+]', implode(' ', $output) , $tlp);


Of course, this will mean that all names within be within the single set of <p></p> tags though.

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hmmm that's sort of what i'm looking for : | not quite, since it stores all the names in the same line...nevertheless this is what i came up with:


$tpl = file_get_contents('test.html');

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

	$title = $row['title'];                    // stores the title in the variable $title
	$fname = $row['firstname'];       // stores the firstname value in the variable $fname
	$sname = $row['lastname'];       // stores the lastname value in the variable $sname

	$output = ($title , $fname, $sname); //stores the 3variables in $output

$keys[] = '[+title+]';
$keys[] = '[+name+]';
$keys[] = '[+sname+]';

$out = str_replace($keys, implode(' ', $output), $tpl);

echo $out;





and i still can't get it to work  >:( and the worst is, im reading the code and it makes sense what im doing or how i am reading so its really frustrating that its not working.

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Hi Thorpe,


Sorry for my late reply just been very busy with all the exams lately, anyway just to let you know yesterday while i was playing around with PHP i managed to get the results i was looking for  :D here is the while loop code:


$tpl = file_get_contents('templates/test.html');  // gets the contents of test.html

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
        $output .= str_replace(
                       array('[+title+]', '[+name+]', '[+sname+]'),  // replace this
                       array($row['title'], $row['firstname'], $row['lastname']),   // for this
                       $tpl); // inside the $tpl

echo $output;

// and i was doing this:
// while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
//        $output .= str_replace(
//                       array('[+title+]', '[+name+]', '[+sname+]'),  // replace this
//                       array($row['title'], $row['firstname'], $row['lastname'],   // for this
//                       $tpl)); // inside the $tpl, did not work because $tpl is inside the array!!!!


Anyway i just wanted to say thank you for your idea, its always good to see solutions from another perspective :D.




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