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Notice: Undefined index error

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I have simple login form which takes input from user, check that with database n goes to the next page for valid user n password.

This is my php code




$username =$_POST['txtUsername'];









global $usertype;





die('Error in connection:'.mysql_error());







$sql="SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$pass'";

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$pass'");



if($rowno = mysql_num_rows($result))



$_SESSION['name'] = $row[2];






echo "Try again";







This code was working fine before, today when I tried run this page its doing all the validation n going to the next page but while loading the login page its showing


Notice: Undefined index: txtUsername in C:\webserver\Apache\htdocs\myProject\login.php on line 36

Notice: Undefined index: pass in C:\webserver\Apache\htdocs\myProject\login.php on line 37

Notice: Undefined variable: localhost in C:\webserver\Apache\htdocs\myProject\login.php on line 47

Notice: Use of undefined constant con - assumed 'con' in C:\webserver\Apache\htdocs\myProject\login.php on line 48

Notice: Undefined index: butSubmit in C:\webserver\Apache\htdocs\myProject\login.php on line 55


Thanks in advance



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'txtUsername' and 'pass' are not yet set when they're being set to their respective variables.


Same thing with trying to test if $_POST['butSubmit'] == true since 'butSubmit' does not yet exist.


Change things up a bit by replacing that condition IF statement with:


if (isset($_POST['butSubmit'])) {


and not defining variables $username and $pass until you've checked that they're set.  This is just standard handling of your incoming data, ESPECIALLY if you're going to be using them within a query.


$errors = array();
if (isset($_POST['butSubmit'])) {
if (!isset($_POST['txtUsername']) || empty($_POST['txtUsername'])) {
	$errors['username'] = 'Please enter a valid username';
	// username not set or contains no value; trigger error and do not run query
if (!isset($_POST['pass']) || empty($_POST['pass'])) {
	$errors['password'] = 'Please enter your password';
	// username not set or contains no value; trigger error and do not run query
if (empty($errors)) {
	// continue with script
	// can now run SQL query as username and password have values
else {
	// show errors;
	$i = 1;
	foreach ($errors as $error) {
		echo $i .'. <b>'. $error .'</b><br/>';


Just some sorta pseudo code for you.


And you're creating your query twice.  Do this:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$pass'";      
$result = mysql_query($sql);


And please use mysql_real_escape_string for $username.  And, are you not hashing your passwords in your table?  I sure hope you're not storing plain-text passwords.  You need to use, at least, md5 to hash your passwords.


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