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Displaying PDO Fetch Array In an HTML List (individually hyperlinked)

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I'm trying to figure out how to do this correctly.


Here's the  function I've come up with:


function newstalkq(){

	$data = $DBH->query('SELECT Title FROM Clippings ORDER BY PubDate DESC');

	while($row = $data->fetch()) {
		echo $row['Title'];

<li><a href="/newstalk/#>"><?php newstalkq() ?></a></li>


The way that snippet looks is something like this:



I've been trying with no luck to get it to look like this:


Although, I can get it to list out like that by adding the <li></li> tags around the $row['Title'] line inside the while loop,

but that just makes the whole list into one giant hyperlink. What I want to happen is have each Title on their own line

and each having a separate hyperlink.



So why not put the anchor in the loop too?

while($row = $data->fetch()) {
echo '<li><a href="#">' . $row['Title'] . '</a></li>';


I'm sure that will work for now, but ultimately I want to have the function setup to where I can use it like this:

<li><a href="/newstalk/#<?php newstalkq('ClipNo)' ?>"><?php newstalkq('Title') ?></a></li>


So that each Title is linked to its designated ClipNo. If I could figure out how to get the listing done correctly,

then I'll move on to the next step.

For starters, your function does not accept any parameters, and echo's all of the rows returned. If you want the markup for "each" row returned then you need to put the markup into the loop for "each" row. It's that simply, and there's no other way.

I know, as of now, it doesn't accept any parameters, but don't worry because I'll change that as soon as I get this figured out. It's just mind boggling since my site is currently in the old .asp, and I could it to work easily with that. Since trying to pickup on php, i've run into tons of problems.


Here's what I had

Set rstMN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rstMN.ActiveConnection = SQLSrvConn2

rstMN.Source = "SELECT TOP 6 Clippings.ClipNo, Clippings.Title FROM Clippings WHERE Clippings.Edited=1 AND Clippings.InActive=0 ORDER BY Clippings.PubDate DESC"


<li><a href="/newstalk/#<%= rstMN("ClipNo") %>"><%= rstMN("Title") %></a></li>

Haha it does indeed do so =) check it out




The list under "NewsTalk Texas" is the one in question. And if you click on each individual title, it takes you to the corresponding ClipNo on another page.


That site is all in asp.


I'm currently learning and converting the whole thing into php.

I really cannot fathom how the code you posted would generate 6 anchored list items, unless the entire snippet is in a loop. I guess you'll have to wait until someone replies who knows the dark arts.

Haha it does indeed do so =) check it out

I'm calling your bluff.  I know jack-squat about ASP, but in every other language you need a loop to perform similar actions against multiple objects. on ASP Loops


There's got to be some sort of templating system you're passing that back through.

oh dear how silly of me, I forgot this part of the code after the html <li> tags ><


Set rstMN = nothing


Wasn't trying to frustrate anyone =P



So the whole snippet looks like this:


Set rstMN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rstMN.ActiveConnection = SQLSrvConn2

rstMN.Source = "SELECT TOP 6 Clippings.ClipNo, Clippings.Title FROM Clippings WHERE Clippings.Edited=1 AND Clippings.InActive=0 ORDER BY Clippings.PubDate DESC"


<div class="col380r"> <!-- may not need class here -->
	<a href="/newstalk/"><img src="images/ntt_home_logo.jpg"  class="logo" alt="NTT logo" /></a>
	<ul id="newsTalk">
Do While Not rstMN.EOF
		<li><a href="/newstalk/#<%= rstMN("ClipNo") %>"><%= rstMN("Title") %></a></li>
Set rstMN = nothing


So you are correct about me having a loop in there, thanks for reminding me =) I guess I skimmed over that part yesterday and it slipped my mind.

The concept remains the same for PHP.  You'll need to loop through each of your results in order to output the links like scootah showed you in post 2.


If you have a column for Title and one for Link it just becomes


    <a href="/newstalk/#<?php echo $row['Link']; ?>">

        <?php echo $row['Title'];  ?>



Now I just need to figure out how to loop my function >< I'm starting to think I don't need a function


The use of a function is determined by it's purpose.  I personally like functions a lot. I would do something like this:

function newstalkq( $limit = 10 ){ // give the function a default for S&G's
$data = $DBH->query('SELECT `Title`, `Link'  FROM `Clippings` ORDER BY PubDate DESC LIMIT $limit ');
return $data->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// retrieve headlines
$newstalk_headlines = newstalkq( 6 );
// you can either use this now, or pass it along to another object / function / template

//verify headlines
if( $newstalk_headlines ) {
foreach( $newstalk_headlines as $headline ) {
	echo '<li>< a href="newstalk/#' . $headline['Link'] . '">' . $headline['Title'] . '</a>';

I tweaked my original function a bit, implemented some of your ideas, and here's what I wrote:


function newstalkq(){

	$data = $DBH->query('SELECT ClipNo, Title FROM Clippings ORDER BY PubDate DESC LIMIT 6');

	while($row = $data->fetch()) {
		echo '<li><a href="/newstalk/#'.$row['ClipNo'].'">' . $row['Title'] . '</a></li>';

	$DBH = null;

			<div class="col380r"> <!-- may not need class here -->
				<a href="/newstalk/"><img src="images/ntt_home_logo.jpg"  class="logo" alt="NTT logo" /></a>
				<ul id="newsTalk"><?php newstalkq() ?></ul>


It's simple, and it works exactly the way I want it to without me having to change anything but the database to update the list =)

Thanks for your help! I really do appreciate it.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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