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index.php page question


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I'm using dreamweaver to design my site.

I came across this site http://www.evo7ution.com/dentaltrust/

whatever link we click on, the link is like http://www.evo7ution.com/dentaltrust/index.php?page=11

all the pages are part of the index.php

how has this been done? i think this is more effecient than having loads of different pages

anyone got any ideas?
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Yes it's done using $_GET

Each navigation link would have a particular url in such as <a href="index.php?page=aboutUs" />

Then in the code you would put


$page = $_GET['page'];

if($page == "aboutUs")
    //echo the html for the aboutUs page here
elseif($page == "contactUs")
    //echo the html for the contactUs page here


Does that make sense?

If you wanted to split it up then you could just do each page as an included file, so put all of the html for the aboutUs page in a aboutUs.inc.php and contact us in contactUs.inc.php and then do the following


$page = $_GET['page'];

if($page == "aboutUs")
elseif($page == "contactUs")


In which case you may have well just have made each page separately anyway.  :P
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Here is an example of how I am doing it.

[code]if ($pg != "doctor_visits" && $pg != "insulin_pump" && $pg != "messages" && $pg != "rest" && $pg != "rest_food" && $pg != "tbl_events" && $pg != "user_data" && $pg != "user_data_options" && $pg != "user_passwords" && $pg != "user_table"){$pg = "main";}

if ($pg == ""){
$pg = "main";
include($page) ;[/code]

Now that I look at it I can probably dump the if ($pg == ""){$pg = "main";}, it was there before I added the string of $pg !='s due to someone here being nice enough to show me how easy it is to insert their own code.

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yeah mate, that makes more sense to me. thanks alot for clearing that up.

but in your first example:

$page = $_GET['page'];

if($page == "aboutUs")
    //echo the html for the aboutUs page here
elseif($page == "contactUs")
    //echo the html for the contactUs page here

you say 'echo the html for the whatever page here

doesn't that mean i still need to have seperate pages on the webserver anyway?
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Here is my whole index.php page for you to look @

<title>IOBE - PHP - MySQL </title>

<link rel='stylesheet' href='styles/style.css' type='text/css' media='all' />

<table style='width:100%; background-color:#E4E0E0' cellspacing='3' class='topborder'><tr><td style='text-align:left; vertical-align:bottom'>

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<div align="center"><img src='images/logo.png' alt='' /></div></td>
    <td style='text-align:left; vertical-align: middle;'><h2 align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IOBE</h2></td>
    <td style='text-align:right'><h2>PHP/MySql code writer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2>

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<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
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<td class='bottommain'><img src='images/blank.gif' width='1' height='9' alt='' style='display: block;' /></td>
<td class='bottomright'><img src='images/blank.gif' width='10' height='9' alt='' style='display: block;' /></td>

<div class='spacer'></div>

<td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top'><?
if ($pg != "main" && $pg != "faq" && $pg != "messageboard" && $pg != "downloads" && $pg != "install" && $pg != "sample" && $pg != "plans" && $pg != "gpl" && $pg != "donate"){$pg = "main";}

if ($pg == ""){
$pg = "main";
include($page) ;

  <td colspan='3' style='text-align:center' class='smalltext'>This site was created with IOBE.<br /></td></tr></table>
<div style='text-align:center'><table style='width:100%'><tr><td style='width:30%; vertical-align:top'>&nbsp;</td><td style='width:40%; vertical-align:top'></td><td style='width:30%; vertical-align:top'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table></div>

you can see it here live http://www.iobe.net/proj/index.php

here is an example of a page that I include into the index.php by itself http://www.iobe.net/proj/gpl.php

and here it is included http://www.iobe.net/proj/index.php?pg=gpl

I'm not sure if this is the best way but it seems to work for me.
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