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Everything posted by jsladek

  1. not sure if this will help but I had to add this line to mine. Options -MultiViews
  2. Yes, on pcA determine the ipaddress ipconfig /all , ifconfig -a or whatever... then on the other computers put in that ip..... i.e also, you should make the server have a static ip.... good luck -John
  3. No I did not write it, well maybe I did. I wrote a program that generates that code based off of the tables in the database. Efforts on the idea stalled but it does work somewhat well. It can be seen here http://www.iobe.net/proj/ It actually builds a whole application here is an example of the app it builds. http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/index.php?pg=info I designed it so the pages can stand on their own too, like the one I showed you. http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/info.php -John
  4. I doubt it, if it were in the IF statments then you would not have been able to print out the sql. I know that the ID is auto incremental but for somereason I think that you may need it (although you said it worked before). As I mentioned earlier, if you have phpMyAdmin or QuickAdmin you can test the sql to see if it works in there just to rule it out.
  5. Have you tried running that insert in phpMyAdmin or a similar db interface and see if it works there? Are the birthday feilds TEXT type or a date feild. Also I dont see an id feild in that statement it may have to look like this (or something like it) I added the id feild and '' for the insert INSERT INTO addressbook (id, firstname, lastname, address, home, mobile, work, email, email2, bday, bmonth, byear, address2, phone2, accnt) VALUES ('','asd','asd','','','','','','','0','-','','','','') -John
  6. I made a table called info using the following sql... CREATE TABLE `info` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `date` DATE NOT NULL , `total_distance` INT(11) NOT NULL , `total_time` INT(11) NOT NULL , `ave_speed` INT(11) NOT NULL , `rider_id` TEXT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) TYPE = MyISAM ; Here is a link to a php script that handles all of the CRUD functions.... (of course icons and such wont work for you) http://iobe.net/proj/workshop/info.php Here is the code.... <? # include ("secure.php"); $pgflow = $_GET[pgflow]; #global $application; if ( $application != "yes" ) { print(" <html> <head> <title>IOBE - PHP - MySQL </title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='styles/style.css' type='text/css' media='all' /> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/datetimepicker.js\"></script> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> <!-- function confirmLink() { return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to Delete this Record?\") } //--> </script> </head> <body> "); } # Conditional statements to determine program flow switch ($pgflow) { case 'addrecord': new_record(); break; case 'insertrecord': insert_record(); break; case 'deleterecord': delete_record(); break; case 'editrecord': edit_record(); break; case 'showchanges': show_changes(); break; case 'verified': update_database(); break; default: show_data(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete_record(){ //get the variable datakey //database info include("dataConn.php"); $id = $_GET[id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$id <br>"); $date = $_GET[date]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$date <br>"); $total_distance = $_GET[total_distance]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_distance <br>"); $total_time = $_GET[total_time]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_time <br>"); $ave_speed = $_GET[ave_speed]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$ave_speed <br>"); $rider_id = $_GET[rider_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$rider_id <br>"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); // create sql $sql_delete_record ="DELETE FROM `info` WHERE `id` ='$id' LIMIT 1 ; "; #print ("$sql_delete_record"); // delete the old record if it exists $result = mysql_query($sql_delete_record); // close database mysql_close(); //show records in table show_data(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function new_record(){ //title of page and open table print ("<br><br><center><h3> Add New Record in Table: info</h3></center> <form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=insertrecord' method='POST' name='log_entry'> <TABLE align='center' border='1'>"); print("<tr><td>id</td><td><input name='id' type='text' id='id'><img src='images/primarykey_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='Primary Key Feild'><img src='images/autoincrement_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='Auto Incrementing'></td></tr> "); print("<tr><td>date</td><td><input name='date' type='text' id='date'><a href=\"javascript:NewCal('date','ddmmmyyyy')\"><img src=\"images/calendar_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pick a date\"></a> </td></tr> "); print("<tr><td>total_distance</td><td><input name='total_distance' type='text' id='total_distance'></td></tr> "); print("<tr><td>total_time</td><td><input name='total_time' type='text' id='total_time'></td></tr> "); print("<tr><td>ave_speed</td><td><input name='ave_speed' type='text' id='ave_speed'></td></tr> "); print("<tr><td>rider_id</td><td><input name='rider_id' type='text' id='rider_id'></td></tr> "); //add submit and reset buttons print(" <tr> <td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></td> <td><input type='reset' name='reset' value='reset'></td> </tr> </table> </form> "); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function insert_record(){ include("dataConn.php"); // Variables can be declared here $id = $_POST[id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$id <br>"); $date = $_POST[date]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$date <br>"); $total_distance = $_POST[total_distance]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_distance <br>"); $total_time = $_POST[total_time]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_time <br>"); $ave_speed = $_POST[ave_speed]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$ave_speed <br>"); $rider_id = $_POST[rider_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$rider_id <br>"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); //create sql $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO info (id, date, total_distance, total_time, ave_speed, rider_id) VALUES ('$id', '$date', '$total_distance', '$total_time', '$ave_speed', '$rider_id')"; #print("$sql_insert"); // this statement actually executes the sql $result = mysql_query($sql_insert); # make this vaiable match the last one // close database mysql_close(); //show records in table show_data(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function edit_record(){ // this pulls in connection specific information to connect to the database include ("dataConn.php"); //get vars $id = $_GET[id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$id <br>"); $date = $_GET[date]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$date <br>"); $total_distance = $_GET[total_distance]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_distance <br>"); $total_time = $_GET[total_time]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_time <br>"); $ave_speed = $_GET[ave_speed]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$ave_speed <br>"); $rider_id = $_GET[rider_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$rider_id <br>"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); //create sql $sql_table_data="SELECT * FROM info WHERE `id` ='$id' LIMIT 1 ;"; #print("$sql_table_data"); // this statement actually executes the sql $result = mysql_query($sql_table_data); //access record info and build form while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //title of page and open table print ("<br><br><center><h3> Edit Log entry </h3></center> <form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=showchanges' method='POST' name='log_entry'> <TABLE border='1'>"); print("<tr><td>id</td><td><input name='id' type='text' id='id' value='$row[id]'><img src='images/primarykey_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='Primary Key Feild'> <img src='images/autoincrement_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='Auto Incrementing'> </td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_id' type='hidden' id='orig_id' value='$row[id]'> "); print("<tr><td>date</td><td><input name='date' type='text' id='date' value='$row[date]'><a href=\"javascript:NewCal('date','ddmmmyyyy')\"><img src=\"images/calendar_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pick a date\"></a> </td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_date' type='hidden' id='orig_date' value='$row[date]'> "); print("<tr><td>total_distance</td><td><input name='total_distance' type='text' id='total_distance' value='$row[total_distance]'></td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_total_distance' type='hidden' id='orig_total_distance' value='$row[total_distance]'> "); print("<tr><td>total_time</td><td><input name='total_time' type='text' id='total_time' value='$row[total_time]'></td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_total_time' type='hidden' id='orig_total_time' value='$row[total_time]'> "); print("<tr><td>ave_speed</td><td><input name='ave_speed' type='text' id='ave_speed' value='$row[ave_speed]'></td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_ave_speed' type='hidden' id='orig_ave_speed' value='$row[ave_speed]'> "); print("<tr><td>rider_id</td><td><input name='rider_id' type='text' id='rider_id' value='$row[rider_id]'></td></tr> "); print("<input name='orig_rider_id' type='hidden' id='orig_rider_id' value='$row[rider_id]'> "); //add submit and reset buttons print(" <tr> <td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></td> <td><input type='reset' name='reset' value='reset'></td> </tr> </table> </form> "); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_changes(){ // Variables can be declared here $id = $_POST[id]; $orig_id = $_POST[orig_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$id <br>"); #print ("$orig_id <br>"); $date = $_POST[date]; $orig_date = $_POST[orig_date]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$date <br>"); #print ("$orig_date <br>"); $total_distance = $_POST[total_distance]; $orig_total_distance = $_POST[orig_total_distance]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_distance <br>"); #print ("$orig_total_distance <br>"); $total_time = $_POST[total_time]; $orig_total_time = $_POST[orig_total_time]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_time <br>"); #print ("$orig_total_time <br>"); $ave_speed = $_POST[ave_speed]; $orig_ave_speed = $_POST[orig_ave_speed]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$ave_speed <br>"); #print ("$orig_ave_speed <br>"); $rider_id = $_POST[rider_id]; $orig_rider_id = $_POST[orig_rider_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$rider_id <br>"); #print ("$orig_rider_id <br>"); // this pulls in connection specific information to connect to the database include ("dataConn.php"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); //create sql $sql_user_data="SELECT * FROM info WHERE `id` ='$orig_id' LIMIT 1 ;"; #print("$sql_user_data"); // this statement actually executes the sql $result = mysql_query($sql_user_data); //access record info and build form while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //title of page and open table print ("<br><br><center><h3> Please Verify Changed below and Submit to database if correct. </h3></center> <form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=verified' method='POST' name='log_entry'> <TABLE>"); if ($row[id]== $id) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>id</font></td><td><input name='xid' type='text' id='xid' value='$id' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='$id'>"); print("<input name='orig_id' type='hidden' id='orig_id' value='$orig_id'>"); if ($row[date]== $date) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>date</font></td><td><input name='xdate' type='text' id='xdate' value='$date' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='date' type='hidden' id='date' value='$date'>"); print("<input name='orig_date' type='hidden' id='orig_date' value='$orig_date'>"); if ($row[total_distance]== $total_distance) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>total_distance</font></td><td><input name='xtotal_distance' type='text' id='xtotal_distance' value='$total_distance' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='total_distance' type='hidden' id='total_distance' value='$total_distance'>"); print("<input name='orig_total_distance' type='hidden' id='orig_total_distance' value='$orig_total_distance'>"); if ($row[total_time]== $total_time) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>total_time</font></td><td><input name='xtotal_time' type='text' id='xtotal_time' value='$total_time' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='total_time' type='hidden' id='total_time' value='$total_time'>"); print("<input name='orig_total_time' type='hidden' id='orig_total_time' value='$orig_total_time'>"); if ($row[ave_speed]== $ave_speed) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>ave_speed</font></td><td><input name='xave_speed' type='text' id='xave_speed' value='$ave_speed' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='ave_speed' type='hidden' id='ave_speed' value='$ave_speed'>"); print("<input name='orig_ave_speed' type='hidden' id='orig_ave_speed' value='$orig_ave_speed'>"); if ($row[rider_id]== $rider_id) {$fontcolor = 'black';} else {$fontcolor = 'red';} print("<tr><td><font color=$fontcolor>rider_id</font></td><td><input name='xrider_id' type='text' id='xrider_id' value='$rider_id' disabled></td></tr>"); print("<input name='rider_id' type='hidden' id='rider_id' value='$rider_id'>"); print("<input name='orig_rider_id' type='hidden' id='orig_rider_id' value='$orig_rider_id'>"); //add submit and reset buttons print(" <tr> <td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></td> <td><input type='reset' name='reset' value='reset'></td> </tr> </table> </form> "); } #end while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) exit; } #end function show_changes(){ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_database(){ include("dataConn.php"); // Variables can be declared here $id = $_POST[id]; $orig_id = $_POST[orig_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$id <br>"); #print ("$orig_id <br>"); $date = $_POST[date]; $orig_date = $_POST[orig_date]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$date <br>"); #print ("$orig_date <br>"); $total_distance = $_POST[total_distance]; $orig_total_distance = $_POST[orig_total_distance]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_distance <br>"); #print ("$orig_total_distance <br>"); $total_time = $_POST[total_time]; $orig_total_time = $_POST[orig_total_time]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$total_time <br>"); #print ("$orig_total_time <br>"); $ave_speed = $_POST[ave_speed]; $orig_ave_speed = $_POST[orig_ave_speed]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$ave_speed <br>"); #print ("$orig_ave_speed <br>"); $rider_id = $_POST[rider_id]; $orig_rider_id = $_POST[orig_rider_id]; //print out variables so we can see if they made it #print ("$rider_id <br>"); #print ("$orig_rider_id <br>"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); //create sql $sql_update="UPDATE `info` SET `id` = '$id',`date` = '$date',`total_distance` = '$total_distance',`total_time` = '$total_time',`ave_speed` = '$ave_speed',`rider_id` = '$rider_id' WHERE `id` ='$orig_id' LIMIT 1 ;"; #print("$sql_update"); // this statement actually executes the sql $result = mysql_query($sql_update); # make this vaiable match the last one // close database mysql_close(); //show records in table show_data(); exit; } function show_data(){ // Title of page print "<center><h3>info</h3></center>"; // this pulls in connection specific information to connect to the database include ("dataConn.php"); //connect to database mysql_select_db($database_dataConn, $dataConn); //create sql $sql_user_data="SELECT * FROM info"; // this statement actually executes the sql $result = mysql_query($sql_user_data); //Create table print("<table border='1' align='center'><tr>"); //add edit column header print("<th>Edit"); //create column headers based on feilds from table print("<th>id"); print("<th>date"); print("<th>total_distance"); print("<th>total_time"); print("<th>ave_speed"); print("<th>rider_id"); // add the delete column header print("<th>Delete</tr>"); //now we iterate through the results of the SQL Query while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //create a new row in the table print("<tr>"); // add an edit icon for the row print("<td align='center'><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=editrecord&id=$row[id]'><img src='images/edit_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='edit'></a></td>"); print("<td>$row[id] </td>"); print("<td>$row[date] </td>"); print("<td>$row[total_distance] </td>"); print("<td>$row[total_time] </td>"); print("<td>$row[ave_speed] </td>"); print("<td>$row[rider_id] </td>"); // add a delete icon for the row print("<td align='center'><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=deleterecord&id=$row[id]' ONCLICK=\"return confirmLink()\"><img src='images/delete_icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='edit'></a></td>"); print("</tr>"); } #end while( = mysql_fetch_array()) // add a final row to the end of the table that has a link to add a record print("<tr><td align='right'><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?pg=info&pgflow=addrecord'>New Record</a><td></tr>"); // finally we close the table print("</table>"); } ?> There is another file that is used called include("dataConn.php"); That file looks like this... <? $hostname_dataConn = "localhost"; # <- change this if database on a different server $database_dataConn = "your_table_name_here"; # <- change this to the name of your table $username_dataConn = "your_username_here"; # <- change this to the user name for the database $password_dataConn = "your_password_here"; # <- change this to the password of your username $dataConn = mysql_pconnect($hostname_dataConn, $username_dataConn, $password_dataConn) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); ?> You can edit that with your info to test the script.. -John
  7. then the program is getting in there. Have you tried printing out the sql to see what the statment looks like?? $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (firstname, lastname, address, home, mobile, work, email, email2, bday, bmonth, byear, address2, phone2, accnt) VALUES ('$firstname','$lastname','$address','$home','$mobile','$work','$email','$email2','$bday','$bmonth','$byear','$address2','$phone2','$accnt')"; $result = mysql_query($sql); print "Insert Statement: $sql"; $sql = "INSERT INTO address_in_groups SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() id, group_id FROM group_list WHERE group_name = '".$group_name."'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); print "Insert Into address statement: $sql"; -John
  8. are you getting this message when you try to insert a record? Information entered into address book
  9. Hi sanderphp, Can you post the SQL to create the table you are working on? -John
  10. Just a little additional info. I was shown another way to do this and it has apache actually check to see if the file or directory exists on the server. This is probably a better way. RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public.php?sub=$1 [L] -Regards John
  11. Here is a rule that I came up with that seems to work. RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ /public.php?org=$1 it looks for a period in the filename Maybe it will help someone in the future. -john
  12. Damn it, public.php is what the url needs to become, this will be a little trickier than I thought. -John
  13. so the trick is to write a rule that only triggers on public.php (if that is what I use). Makes sense..
  14. Hello I have a domain that I would like like to use ugly URLs and also pretty urls in the same directory. If I use mod_rewrite will it rewrite all urls or just the ones that match the rewrite rule? What I mean by this is I would like to use. http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php?pg=login and also http://www.yourwebsite.com/drexel The first link will just function normally but the second would rewrite to something like the following http://www.yourwebsite.com/public.php?orginization=drexel I'm looking into mod_rewrite to accomplish this. Will it work for me or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks, John btw, it seems that myspace works similar. Unless they actually create a directory for each user and actually store the html content there as if it were its own site.
  15. take a look @ http://us3.php.net/rand
  16. You can write a temporary cookie to the users browser when they log in. Then you would write a "Security" file that verifies that cookie is set to allow access. Any php that you dont want them to use unless they are logged in you can put an include at the top of the page ie include(secure.php); if you want the whole site to be protected you can use a prepend.php file with the security built into it. -John
  17. Hello Northern Flame, I have a domain that I would like to do exactly what you just demonstrated but I would also like to still use ugly URLs. What I mean by this is I would like to use. http://www.yourwebsite.com/index.php?pg=login and also http://www.yourwebsite.com/drexel The first link will just function normally but the second would rewrite to something like the following http://www.yourwebsite.com/public.php?orginization=drexel I'm looking into mod_rewrite to accomplish this. Will it work for me or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks, John btw, it seems that myspace works similar. Unless they actually create a directory for each user and actually store the html content there as if it were its own site.
  18. change it to this... [code] $get="SELECT * FROM `songs` WHERE `title` LIKE  '%$query%'"; print("<hr>SQL: $get<hr>"); $result = mysql_query($get) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row =mysql_fetch_array($result))         { $title=$row['title']; $id=$row['id']; echo "<a href='play.php?id=$id'>$title</a><br>"; }[/code] This way you can see what the sql looks like when it is built.  If $query does not have a value you will get [b]WHERE 'title" LIKE '%%'[/b] which I guess would give you everything in the database. -John
  19. I logged into your site and yes you are correct, nothing is displayed... I would recommend changing your table back to what it was before when everything was working fine.  Short of that you may have to post some more info.  Old table/new table maybe some code... -John
  20. I'm no expert but your sql looks like it could be wrong. $sql  = "insert into upload SET id='$id' , values(null,'$file_type','$pureFile'),  business='$business', address='$address', city='$city', contact='$contact', salesrep='$salesrep', phone='$phone', email='$email'"; I would suspect it should look like this... sql = "INSERT INTO upload (id, business, address, city, contact, salesrep, phone, email) VALUES ('$id', '$business', $address', '$city', '$contact', '$salesrep', '$phone', '$email)"; Your SQL looks more like an UPDATE SQL Modified...... -John
  21. You give me too much credit :0) My application really just builds what a newbie would learn in a beginners PHP class.  Only difference is it puts all the functions in one file.  My program certainly is not smart enough to know that you would want to JOIN, UNION, or whatever for any particular table, It just builds a CRUD (non OOP & hard coded) for each table.  When I read the table I do look at the Data Type and add functionality to the CRUD.  For instance, I will display if it is Primary key and if it is an Auto Incrementing feild.  Also, if it is a TIME or TIME_DATE feild I include a little calendar icon you can click on and a popup calendar will pop up and let you select the TIME/TIME_DATE much like phpMyAdmin does. I figured that if I were to need to do a JOIN or something I could go into one of the files and edit the sql and also the format of the output to display what I wanted.  On a previous project I did for a Senior Project @ School, Me and another student build a lot of forms and processing files to update log records.  There were different types of logs but each one was really queried individually.  The first forms were tough but ehn we did a lot of cutting and pasting from one form to another.  If we had a tool like the one I am making we could have cut our time down significatly. I have been assembling a bunch of test tables in a database and have 100+ that the program seems to be working pretty well on.  Check it out if you wish, there is no form validation yet but there is nothing important in the database. http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/index.php (I've not changed any code, everything there is auto generated) Each script is also stand alone so this link. http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/index.php?pg=medications and this link. http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/medications.php Are calling the same script, the first just uses an include. (I have made it so the injected file is verified before included to keep people from including their own files)  The reason for not using OOP?  I'm not really too good with it. I've learned a little in a JAVA class I had in school but it was very little.  I've since been looking @ cakePHP to try and see how a REAL Framework/Scaffolding works.  I've been able to sucessfully build the Blog http://www.iobe.net/cake/ but I still have no idea what is going on.  My program built something similar for the same table http://www.iobe.net/proj/workshop/posts.php and I can understand the code it wrote and I know where it is since it is all in 1 file (except images) called posts.php I'm going to put a lot more effort in to learning how to use cakePHP or even ZEND Framework.  I firmly believe that I need to know how to use a popular product if I ever want to build business applications for a living, I think it makes too much business sense to use something like that rather than have somone build a custom application from scratch.  I'm going to try to keep this project active also.  Maybe once I have more experience with other frameworks and OOP I will make some changes in my approach of my own.  Only problem is Time.  I have Math and Bio classes to worry about and I recently changed positions @ work and I am in Pole climbing school, which is kicking my a$$ after being straped to a desk for six years. Thanks for your comments, I am learning a lot and maintaining what little skills I have.  PHPFreaks is a great place to keep that juices flowing... I've gotten away from PHP b4 and it is easy to forget things. Thanks, John Sladek
  22. I've been taught the same thing.  It is no quick crack but it really depends on the complexity of the password.  Most crackers will run a dictionary attack and even use substitutions for letters, much like you would see in Leetspeak. i.e. $=s and 3 = e that way a passwork  like $lad3k is no sronger that sladek.  If the password is complex enough then the cracker will have to use brute force and hope that they can come up with it or a collision ( I think that is what they call it when a different password produces the same hash but this is rare).  This could take a very long time...  As an alternative, there are websites out there where users can put in hashes to have them try to crack. They have groups of servers working on just that.  If the hash has already been broken then the cracker can get it right away. The last security class I has was 4 - 5 months ago, maybe something has changed.... -John
  23. Get rid of the [code]</TD> <TD rowspan=2 valign=top[/code] right after the [code]<IMG SRC="images/index_03.gif" WIDTH=223 HEIGHT=85 ALT="">[/code] and see what that does for you -John
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