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when i run the function, I want it basically spit out


$month = MONTHNAME(payment_date);

$amount = SUM(payments)


Basically want it to spit out months and amount for that month..


Can you please assist. Thanks in advance.


function operatingyear() {
       print "<center><h3> OPERATING STATMENT REPORT [12-Month]</h3></center>";
       print "<hr>";
       print "<br />";
        $active = "1";
        $query9 = "SELECT MONTHNAME(payment_date), SUM(payment) FROM payments GROUP BY YEAR(payment_date), MONTH(payment_date)";
        $result9 = mysql_query($query9);
    $sum = mysql_result($result9,0);




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function operatingyear($daterange) {
   global $loginid;	
   global $daterange;   
       print "<center><h3> OPERATING STATMENT REPORT [12-Month]</h3></center>";
       print "<hr>";
       print "<br />";
        $active = "1";
        $query9 = "SELECT MONTHNAME(pay_date), SUM(pay_amount) FROM payments GROUP BY YEAR(pay_date), MONTH(pay_date)";
        $result9 = mysql_query($query9) or die( mysql_error() );
    $sum = mysql_result($result9,0);
        print "$sum";



Fixed the Mysql errors. However it still not putting out any information.  This is my first time working with SUM.

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What's your database look like?


Here's my sample database


  `date` date NOT NULL,
  `amount` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL

-- Dumping data for table `sometable`

INSERT INTO `sometable` (`date`, `amount`) VALUES
('2012-07-10', '10.50'),
('2012-06-04', '15.25'),
('2012-07-19', '18.75'),
('2012-06-10', '5.50'),
('2012-07-06', '8.25');


And the following code...



$q = 'SELECT MONTHNAME(date), SUM(amount) FROM sometable GROUP BY YEAR(date), MONTH(date)';
$r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());

$sum = mysql_result($r,0);
echo $sum;



... outputs



This is the way it should behave.

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My db looks exactly the same, However, no results from the "echo"....


My Database:

pay_amount   |   pay_date |  pay_controller
    107.13           2012-07-07         +
     98.10            2012-07-07          -


i even copied ur code and edited the fields in mysql statement to



function operatingyear($daterange) {
       print "<center><h3> OPERATING STATMENT REPORT [12-Month]</h3></center>";
       print "<hr>";
       print "<br />";
        $q = 'SELECT MONTHNAME(pay_date), SUM(pay_amount) FROM payment GROUP BY YEAR(pay_date), MONTH(pay_date)';
        $r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());
        $sum = mysql_result($r,0);
        echo $sum;        




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There's a lot going on in your code that you haven't posted, so it's impossible to help.


Try copying and pasting directly, only changing the MySQL info and columns/table.


Also, try echoing mysql_num_rows to see if your SELECT statement is actually grabbing any rows.

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What about


var_dump( mysql_fetch_assoc($r) )


Again, I'm sure if you copy-pasted my snippet into a new, empty PHP file, you'd get the expected results. This leads me to believe the problem lies in code you haven't posted.

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Saw an error in database, one of the dates was set as 2012-00-18.


Fixed the Dtae and Got the echo response as "May "



anyway to it to do


January - Amount

Feb - Amount

March  - Amount ..



Right now it only gives me an echo of " May "

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