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does anyone know how to download php pages from a website with all of the coding in tact?

I have a program that will download a HTML website but will not download a php page. Is there a way of doing this without having an FTP account.


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I didn't think so. I thought there may be a way though. I can download the pages as HTML but I need the PHP.

Basically, I'm being well and truly being screwed over by a company in India. I need the files coz they've had my project for 4 months and made no real progress. I need the site to go live within a week but they're not answering calls etc... I just need the code then they can get lost.

This is the second time I've been stung by an overseas bunch of twats. Tried to outsource to China and India. Both have been difficult and their work is rubbish to say the least. ARGH!

I'm so frustrated and angry right now! Glad I got that off my chest.

Everyone needs to rant ever so often, but please keep the language down.
i fixed your post
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