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I'm sure this is an easy operation, but I suck at manipulating arrays. I have an array $team[0] through $team[7] all filled with integers and I need to know which field contains the 3 highest values. I'm using this to determine which teams in my classroom came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Thanks.

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Yeah, I've found a bunch of possible functions for arrays, but my problem is that I'm totally inexperienced in using them. I suck at manipulating arrays. I'm not sure that sorting the array here is what I really need. What I need to do is find out which field, $team[0], $team[1], $team[2], $team[3], $team[4], $team[5], $team[6] or $team[7] has the highest value. Then I need to do the same to find out which has the second highest value, and then again for the third highest. Sorting may very well be what I need to do here, but I don't need the actual value ... I need to know which $team[] contains it. I can't figure out how to do this without a helluva lot of IF statements. I appreciate the help, but if rsort() or arsort() are possible solutions, I have no idea what the code would look like. Thanks.

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What about this would this help?



$team0 = 1;
$team1 = 2;
$team2 = 3;
$teams = array(array('teamA' => $team0, 'teamB' => $team1, 'teamC' => $team2));
while(list($key, $list) = each($teams)) {
							echo ' TeamA '.$list['teamA'] . ' TeamB '.$list['teamB'] . ' TeamC '.$list['teamC'] ;


or am i on the wrong track ::)

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Or you could loop it


$team0 = 1;
$team1 = 2;
$team2 = 3;
$teams = array(array('TeamA' => $team0, 'TeamB' => $team1, 'TeamC' => $team2));
foreach($teams as $team){
while(list($key, $list) = each($team)) {

                      echo 'Team Results: ' . ' ' .$key . ' Points:  ' .$list . '<br>';


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I appreciate your help, but all either of those two scripts seemed to do was to display the data. I need to determine WHICH team had 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. That is to say, I need the script to determine that, so that extra credit points to my students can be automatically awarded.

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