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PHP navigation list issue


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Hi everyone,


I'm having problems with my drop down navigation bar, here is the coding for the section that the problem is occuring:


 <?php $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1)); ?>
               <?php if($squads): ?>
                <?php foreach($squads as $squad): ?> 
                    <li><span class="left"></span><span class="middle"> 
                        <?php echo anchor('roster/squad/' . $squad->squad_slug, $squad->squad_title); ?> 
                        </span><span class="right"></span></li> 
                <?php endforeach; ?> 
             <?php endif; ?>


On pages after this, all the content disappears, its as if i'm not closing off the code correctly, i'm a rookie, please help


I beleive the problem may be the top line, but I don't know what i'm doing.. haha

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A PHP Error was encountered


Severity: Notice


Message: Undefined property: ClanCMS_Loader::$squads


Filename: gamingcorps/header.php


Line Number: 111



Fatal error: Call to a member function get_squads() on a non-object in B:\xampp2\htdocs\clancms\views\themes\gamingcorps\header.php on line 111



the line it refers to is

 <?php $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1)); ?>

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ClanCMS uses CodeIgniter, which I am familiar with.


Is "squads" a model? I don't believe you can access models in that way from a view. You really shouldn't be anyway though, you should be getting that stuff in the controller and then passing it to the view.

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Yeah that did cross my mind but I tried to simply put this into my dashboard.php controller to see if it would make the squads appear and it didnt, but when i put it in the view header with the list code, the squads appear, I really am terrible with Codeigniter, I dont totally get how it works. 


<?php $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1)); ?>


I also tried to copy the entire roster controller and paste that into the dashboard controller, as the squads appear in the navigation bar only when your on the roster page... but that failed. I'm really not very good, I cant write MVC on my own.


Do I just put the


 <?php $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1)); ?>


into each controller so the squads navigation appears on all pages?



Or is this what I do?


 * Index
 * @access	public
 * @return	void
function navigation()  <<<<[b] NOT sure what function to put[/b]
// Retrieve the squads
$squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

   	// Load the squad navigation view
$this->load->view(THEME . 'dashboard', $this->data);     <<<<< [b]NOT sure what this should be[/b]


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What you're trying to do already exists here: https://github.com/mahngiel/The-Clan-CMS-Project-codezyne/blob/master/clancms/controllers/roster.php


Yeah that did cross my mind but I tried to simply put this into my dashboard.php controller to see if it would make the squads appear and it didnt


If you want to bring a squad listing to your dashboard, it's easy

//fetch squads
$squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

// Build objects
$this->data->squads =& $squads;

// load out
$this->load->view( THEME . 'dashboard', $this->data);


$tihs->data is the object that is storing all the data, by appending the objects we are using onto it, we can pass one object to our views.

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I have this in my dashboard controller:


 * Index
 * @access	public
 * @return	void
function nav()
//fetch squads
    $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

    // Build objects
    $this->data->squads =& $squads;

    // load out
    $this->load->view( THEME . 'dashboard', $this->data);


And this in my header view


               <?php if($squads): ?>
                <?php foreach($squads as $squad): ?> 
                    <li><span class="left"></span><span class="middle"> 
                        <?php echo anchor('roster/squad/' . $squad->squad_slug, $squad->squad_title); ?> 
                        </span><span class="right"></span></li> 
                <?php endforeach; ?> 
             <?php endif; ?>   


Doesn't work, am I missing something?

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it doesn't work because (most) every Class function in CodeIgniter is a route path.  What I mean is dashboard nav() actually goes to www.example.com/dashboard/nav


If you want to add your squads somewhere on the dashboard, add the squads object and the reference to it in the index()

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Im not trying to add them on my dashboard though, Im trying to create a navigation dropdown list with all the squads in it.


The list only works on the roster page because that page has the correct controller code, I am now trying to work out some code I can put in all controllers so that the squads navigation listing appears on each page of the site.



*** Apologies codezyne, I understand now :) working


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Ok  :D


I have squad_helper.php in the helpers folder


* Squad menu
* @access	public
* @param	array
* @return	bool
function squad_menu()

//fetch squads
    $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

    // Build objects
    $this->data->squads =& $squads;

    // load out
    $this->load->view( THEME . 'dashboard', $this->data);

/* End of file squad_helper.php */
/* Location: ./clancms/helpers/squad_helper.php */


Then in the header.php view I have


    <?php echo squad_menu(); ?>
               <?php if($squads): ?>
                <?php foreach($squads as $squad): ?> 
                    <li><span class="left"></span><span class="middle"> 
                        <?php echo anchor('roster/squad/' . $squad->squad_slug, $squad->squad_title); ?> 
                        </span><span class="right"></span></li> 
                <?php endforeach; ?> 
             <?php endif; ?>  


I believe I have done something wrong :)

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[ mods: this is a 3rd party script for all intensive purposes ]


Please pay attention to what you're actually doing, raven.  Foremost, you're trying to load a view where you are calling the helper.  My apologies if you did not fully understand i put it in my previously reply purely for demonstrative purposes.


You're got two options with regard to building the helper.  You can either expect data to build the menu OR you can expect the entire menu.  Let's make it entirely simple by expecting the entire menu.


// helper
function squad_menu()
    // include model
    $this->load->model('Squads_model', 'squads');

    //fetch squads
    $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

    if( $squads )
        // create menu
        $menu = '<ul>';

        foreach( $squads as $squad )
            // create a LI for each squad and ammend it to $menu
            $menu .= '<li>' . $squad->squad_title . '</li>';

        // close menu
        $menu .= '</ul>';

    // return the menu
    return $menu;

// header.php
echo $squad_menu();

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A PHP Error was encountered


Severity: Notice


Message: Undefined variable: squad_menu


Filename: gamingcorps/header.php


Line Number: 110


* Clan CMS squad menu Helper
* @package		Clan CMS
* @subpackage  Helpers
* @category    Helpers
* @author		Xcel Gaming Development Team
* @link		http://www.xcelgaming.com

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

* Squad menu
* @access	public
* @param	array
* @return	bool

// helper
function squad_menu()
    // include model
    $this->load->model('Squads_model', 'squads');

    //fetch squads
    $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

    // Build objects
    $this->data->squads =& $squads;

        // create menu
        $menu = '<ul>';

        foreach($squads as $squad)
            // create a LI for each squad and ammend it to $menu
            $menu .= '<li>' . $squad->squad_title . '</li>';

        // close menu
        $menu .= '</ul>';

    // return the menu
    return $menu;

/* End of file squad_helper.php */
/* Location: ./clancms/helpers/squad_helper.php */


<div id="squads">

<li><div id="topbutton3"><a href="#"></a></div>  

    <?php echo $squad_menu(); ?>



I've tried to make it work but its not happening, any suggestions on whats not right?

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No, then you are repeating a ton of code.


No need for a widget here.  ClanCMS has a widget feature, but it's not necessary. 


If he did want a widget, the widget form of the helper would include the same code with $this->load/model being replaced by $this->CI->load/model


Just emulate one of the widgets in clancms/widgets

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Ok, this is my header.php view


<div id="squads">

<li><div id="topbutton3"><a href="#"></a></div>  

   <?php echo $squad_menu(); ?>



this is my squad_helper.php (in the helpers folder)


* Clan CMS squad menu Helper
* @package		Clan CMS
* @subpackage  Helpers
* @category    Helpers
* @author		Xcel Gaming Development Team
* @link		http://www.xcelgaming.com

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

* squad menu
* @access	public
* @param	array
* @return	bool

// helper
function squad_menu()
    // include model
    $this->load->model('Squads_model', 'squads');

    //fetch squads
    $squads = $this->squads->get_squads(array('squad_status' => 1));

        // create menu
        $menu = '<ul>';

        foreach($squads as $squad)
            // create a LI for each squad and ammend it to $menu
            $menu .= '<li>' . $squad->squad_title . '</li>';

        // close menu
        $menu .= '</ul>';

    // return the menu
    return $menu;

/* End of file squad_helper.php */
/* Location: ./clancms/helpers/squad_helper.php */


I have added to the autoload


$autoload['helpers'] = array('squad_helper');


Its still not working, yet :)

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$squads_menu is not a variable (my bad, fingers typed too fast).


it's a helper function, it works like echo squads_menu().


The echo squads_menu is supposed to be in the header.php isnt it? What am I supposed to be doing, im lost?

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