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Problem with trust issue with clients


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Hello guys. I made a system and I have a problem regarding trust issue with prospect clients.


I am planning to host multiple clients in my system. Their question is how can they be sure that I don't have access with their data. Since I'm hosting the system then thier data is not safe. If they will will have their own hosting and i will give them the scripts, my work can be pirated. So that's basically my problem.


What I have in mind so far is to host my scripts and they will be having their own mysql servers. Their servers, usernames, and passwords will not be saved in my system. They have to provide their servernames, db_usernames, db_passwords and db_names other than their usernames and passwords upon loggin in. But i guess will still say that i can save their db_passwords without their knowledge.


Please give me insights. They are highly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

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Any 3rd party service provider could potentially have access to the data. Heck, leakage could easily be from inside the 1st party itself.


Even with a 3rd party SQL server, the data still has to pass through the HTTP server, meaning you will still potentially be able to store the data.

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