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I got mobile number to validate but I am stuck at the prefix part.


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if(empty($_POST['mobileno'])) // phone number is not empty
$error[] = 'Please enter mobile number';
} else {
if(preg_match('/^\d{10}$/',$_POST['mobileno'])) // phone number is valid
  $mobile = $_POST['mobileno'];
  // your other code here
else // phone number is not valid
  $error[] = 'Phone number invalid !';
$prefix = 0;
$pmobile = $prefix . $mobile;

This is what I am trying to do for prefix. Is this right as I cant add the value 0 before the number.


This is my insert statement


 $query_verify_mobileno = "SELECT * FROM userdtls WHERE mobileno = '$pmobile'";
        $result_verify_mobileno = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_verify_mobileno);
        if (!$result_verify_mobileno) 
	{//if the Query Failed ,similar to if($result_verify_mobileno==false)
            echo ' Database Error Occured ';

        if (mysqli_num_rows($result_verify_mobileno) == 0) 
	{ // IF no previous user is using this number .

            // Create a unique  activation code:
           //$activation = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));

            $query_insert_user = "INSERT INTO userdtls ( mobileno, serviceprovider, pass, fname, lname, email, citystate, MUM, PUN, BNG, MYS ) VALUES ( '".$pmobile."', '".$serviceprovider."', '".$password."', '".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$email."', '".$citystate."','".$mumbai."', '".$pune."', '".$banglore."', '".$mysore."'  )";

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i'm not the brightest around here will database intricaces, but i do believe if you set the attributes to 'unsigned zerofill' you should be okay. 


PS, if that other thread is done, mark it solved ploxxors


PPS: are the phone numbers you're storing always 10 digits?

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zerofill will maintain the integer count you specified ( which, btw, you don't need bigint )and produce leading zeros. say you store 567, zerofill should give 0567 on a int(4). maybe it's the other way around, i dunno for sure.  but if you're going to store the numbers formatted, which it would make sense to, you should just save it as a string.

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