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Can't get my logfile script to append info into the file at all!


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Hello everyone, I've been working on a function for a logfile for my site that logs when users login. I have it working sort of, but the problem I'm having is very annoying, and makes the logfile useless.. Anyway, basically what I have set up is a script that automatically makes a folder for each month, and a new logfile every day, and it (is supposed to) logs all the logins in the file that day then makes a new file the next day. My problem is after the initial creation and the first login log, it will no longer update. I haven't tried to make it delete and write a new line, because I just assumed that would work since the first line will work. It just won't append anything else to the file the next time a user logs in. The code should work, as far as I know it's coded correctly for what I want it to do. It's just not appending for whatever reason. I've made two functions, one using fopen/fwrite/fclose and the other uses file_put_contents($with, FILE_APPEND) and neither append as their supposed to. The data is just the same every time(it doesn't change at all). The permissions on the folders/files are 0666 (I'm using windows 7 and it won't let me chmod to 0777, but 0666 should work too) and since it creates/writes the first time, I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed to append to the file, so I doubt it's a permissions issue. Please take a look at my code and tell me what you think I should do to make this work the way I need it to.


function log_action($action, $message="") {
        if(isset($action)) {
$dt = time();
$datetime = strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S", $dt);
$date = strftime("%m-%d-%Y", $dt);
$dirname = strftime("%m-%Y", $dt);
$logfile = SITE_ROOT.DS.'logs'.DS.$dirname.DS."logfile_".$date.".txt";
$data =  strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S", $dt)." | Login: {$message} logged in.\r\n";
	if(!is_dir($dirname)) {
		//if($handle = fopen($logfile, "a")) {
			//$content = fwrite($handle, strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S", $dt)." | Login: {$message} logged in.\r\n");

		//} else {
			//$message = "The log file could not be accessed.";
		if(file_put_contents($logfile, $data, FILE_APPEND)) {
	} else { 
		echo "logfile could not be accessed";

	} return $message;



I know it's pretty sloppy, but there's both codes with the fopen/fwrite/fclose portion commented out. That's the method I'd prefer to use, but I figured I'd show you both so you can see how it should go. I'm also aware there's more variables than necessary, but I was troubleshooting and made them so the code could be changed easier. I appreciate your replies in advance! Thanks.


P.S. On my login page I have $action set to my login confirmation variable which is set when a user successfully logs in, and $message is set to their username, so it displays correctly in the output. I plan to make this a lot more versatile in the future, but I'd like to have it working first :P.

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function log_action($action, $message="") {
$dt = time();
$datetime = strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S", $dt);
$date = strftime("%m-%d-%Y", $dt);
$dirname = strftime("%m-%Y", $dt);
$logfile = SITE_ROOT.DS.'logs'.DS.$dirname.DS."logfile_".$date.".txt";
$data =  strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S", $dt)." | Login: {$message} logged in.\r\n";
if(!is_dir($dirname)) {
	if(file_put_contents($logfile, $data, FILE_APPEND)) {
	} else { 
		echo "logfile could not be accessed";

return $message;


So after a little re-formatting so it is readable, do you see what the problem is now?


Your only logging something if the file doesn't exist.  Once you've created it, your function does nothing.


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Max, I think you missed the point xD, but thanks anyway! Kicken, I can't believe I overlooked that! It's always best to have another eye around for things like this. So, that brings me to wondering, if you think I should rewrite this function to make it work, or just separate the directory part altogether and make it another function? I was considering separating them before, but not for that reason, I hadn't even noticed that. I was just going to do it so I could use the directory function for other tasks. Thank you so much!


Update: By the way, I just used moved the curly braces around a little (separated the directory portion from the fopen/ect. portion) and it worked just as it was supposed to, I'd still like your opinion though. I'm actually considering just making a log class to do it all. I think that might be an even better option, because I plan to do more with it.

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I would probably leave it together but it doesn't mater too much either way really.  The only suggestion I give really is to not use chdir() since it might have a negative effect on other areas of your scripts.


For instance if you had a script that say manipulated some images that are in the same dir as the script:

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg("somefile.jpg");
log_action("opened first file");
$im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg("someotherfile.jpg");
log_action("Opened second file");


The second imagecreatefromjpeg would fail because your log function changed the working directory to where your logs are rather than where the script is.


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Hmm, that's a good point. I don't know why I even put it in there honestly, I think I was having a syntax error using mkdir() so I just made it move to the directory first instead of debugging it thanks for the suggestion, I really appreciate your input. I'll go ahead and take it out, and if I can't get it to auto create the dated folders in the right place without it, I'll just put another chdir() at the end of the function to have it move back.


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