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Cant fix imdb info fetch


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This code should fetch Rating, Genres, Tagline and Poster.

Please help



function getMovieRating($imdb_website)
        if (preg_match('/<b>([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})\/10<\/b>/', $imdb_website, $hit))
            return $hit[1];
            return FALSE;

    function getMovieGenres($imdb_website)
        if (preg_match_all('/\/Sections\/Genres\/(.+?)\//', $imdb_website, $hit, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER))
            return $hit[1];
            return "a";
    function getMovieTagline($imdb_website)
        if (preg_match('#Tagline:</h5>(.*?)<#s', $imdb_website, $hit))
            return $hit[1];
            return FALSE;

function imdb2pic($imdb, $id, $poster = 1)
if(strpos($imdb, "imdb.com"))


$imdb = trim($imdb);
$nisse = True;
$tmpfile = "weee.txt";
shell_exec("wget -O $tmpfile $imdb");
$fp = fopen($tmpfile, "rt");

$buffer = fgets($fp);
$buf .= $buffer;

$hej = $buf;
$pos1 = strpos($hej, '<a name="poster"');
$hej = substr($hej,$pos1);
$pos1 = strpos($hej, 'src="');
$hej = substr($hej, $pos1+5);
$pos1 = strpos($hej, '"');
$hej = substr($hej,0, $pos1);

foreach(getMovieGenres($buf) as $value)
$kk = gen2bok($value);
if($kk != $genrelist[0])
$genrelist .= $kk;

$tagg = getMovieTagline($buf);

//echo $genrelist;
$tagg = str_replace("<br>","", $tagg);
$tagg = str_replace("\n","", $tagg);
$tagg = sqlesc($tagg);
//echo getMovieRating($buf);
$query = "UPDATE torrents set imdburl = '".$imdb."', genres = '".$genrelist."', tagline = ".$tagg.", imdbrating = '".getMovieRating($buf)."' WHERE id = $id";
//echo $query;

if(substr($hej,0, 10) == "http://ser" || $hej == "" || strpos($hej, "48.jpg") > 0 || substr($hej,-  == "logo.gif")
return 0;
shell_exec("wget -O imdbpics/".$id.".jpg $hej");

if(filesize("imdbpics/".$id.".jpg") == 4728)
return 0;

return 1;


return 0;


// G?r om h?mtade genres fr?n imdb till tecken.

function gen2bok($value)
	case "Action":
	return "a";
	case "Comedy":
	return "b";
	case "Family":
	return "c";
	case "History":
	return "d";
	case "Mystery":
	return "e";
	case "Sci-Fi":
	return "f";
	case "Thriller":
	return "g";
	case "Adventure":
	return "h";
	case "Crime":
	return "i";
	case "Fantasy":
	return "j";
	case "Horror":
	return "k";
	case "News":
	return "l";
	case "Short":
	return "m";
	case "War":
	return "n";
	case "Animation":
	return "o";
	case "Documentary":
	return "p";
	case "Film-Noir":
	return "q";
	case "Music":
	return "r";
	case "Reality-TV":
	return "s";
	case "Sport":
	return "t";
	case "Western":
	return "u";
	case "Biography":
	return "v";
	case "Drama":
	return "w";
	case "Game-Show":
	return "x";
	case "Musical":
	return "y";
	case "Romance":
	return "z";
	case "Talk-Show":
	return "1";
	case "Adult":
	return "2";
	return "";


// G?r om tecken fr?n mysql-taballen till IMDB Genres.

function bok2gen($value)
	case "a":
	return "Action";
	case "b":
	return "Comedy";
	case "c":
	return "Family";
	case "d":
	return "History";
	case "e":
	return "Mystery";
	case "f":
	return "Sci-Fi";
	case "g":
	return "Thriller";
	case "h":
	return "Adventure";
	case "i":
	return "Crime";
	case "j":
	return "Fantasy";
	case "k":
	return "Horror";
	case "l":
	return "News";
	case "m":
	return "Short";
	case "n":
	return "War";
	case "o":
	return "Animation";
	case "p":
	return "Documentary";
	case "q":
	return "Film-Noir";
	case "r":
	return "Music";
	case "s":
	return "Reality-TV";
	case "t":
	return "Sport";
	case "u":
	return "Western";
	case "v":
	return "Biography";
	case "w":
	return "Drama";
	case "x":
	return "Game-Show";
	case "y":
	return "Musical";
	case "z":
	return "Romance";
	case "1":
	return "Talk-Show";
	case "2":
	return "Adult";
	return "";


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