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I am getting loose results from FROM_UNIXTIME


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Okay, So this query is selecting the year and month to 2012 and may.


I have a date column in my database, it's called "date" with the values of unixtimestamp, I have like 20-30rows.


The problem is, this query works, but I see results from july and august too? how can I get a more refined result?



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Are you sure your column isn't a Mysql TIMESTAMP data type?


It's a int (10), just storing a regular timestamp.  Should I make it a timestamp data type?



Query is:


SELECT gl.*, m.username,m.star, m2.username as fromname,m2.star as fromstar from gold_logs gl left join users m on (gl.to_id=m.id) left join users m2 on (gl.from_id=m2.id) WHERE to_id=271 OR from_id=271 AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(date)) = 2012 AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(date)) = 05 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, 35


It's selecting all the gold_logs that are sent to the user, with the from_id = 271 and showing all the gold_logs sent out from the user with to_id = 271.



And screenshot of the columns.




That just shows that I am left joining the  to_id and from_id to the "users" table, as you can see.


If I try GROUP BY to_id, it works perfect and only shows from August! But only shows to_id data, not the to_id and from_id that I need.  So you're wondering, well why don't you do to_id,from_id? Well I tried that, and it goes back to my main problem, shows.. but shows other dates as well.



EDIT: I know storing html in there is horrible, but please this is just development. Don't shoot me on that, lol :D

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(bj = 0 AND to_id={$pun_user['id']} OR from_id={$pun_user['id']}) AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(date)) = {$newdate['2']}  AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(date)) = {$newdate['0']} 


using ( ) in the query fixes it? Wat the hell?


How does using parentheses fix this problem?

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