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exec() not working


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Hello all,

How to get the $response var to return with a value in it.

$post_array = array(
"test1" => "a"
,"test2" => "b"
,"test3" => "c"

// Convert Array to POST string (key_1=val_1&key_2=val_2...)
while (list ($key, $val) = each($post_array)) {
$data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&";

exec("/usr/bin/curl -m 120 -d \"$data\" http://www.site2.com/test2.php -L", $response);

// $response returns empty. i need this to have the new $_POST vars in it

[url=http://www.site2.com/test2.php]www.site2.com/test2.php[/url] -
// my own function. working fine.

// set new $_POST vars.
$_POST['x'] = "x";
$_POST['y'] = "y";
$_POST['z'] = "z";

// this is not returning properly.
Return $_POST;
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You need to print out $_POST instead of returning it.  Return values are only picked up through direct exec() calls.. in this case, you are execing curl which does an HTTP request.  An HTTP request returns values by printing them out.

Start with print_r($_POST) at the end of test2.php, and then adjust the printing format to suit your needs.
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ok so due to some spanking by senior members in other forums i have been suggested to not use exec() function but just strait CURL. So this is what i have. the final result is a sctring when i thought i was going to get an array(). How do i get an array to show. Current out put is..

array(3) { ["test1"]=>  string(1) "x" ["test2"]=>  string(2) "yy" ["test3"]=>  string(3) "zzz" }

Here are my files -

curl1.php -


$_POST['test1'] = "1";
$_POST['test2'] = "2";
$_POST['test3'] = "3";

// Convert Array to POST string (key_1=val_1&key_2=val_2...)
while (list ($key, $val) = each($_POST)) {
$data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&";

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://localhost/clients/curl2.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
  print curl_error($ch);



curl2.php -
$_POST['test1'] = "x";
$_POST['test2'] = "yy";
$_POST['test3'] = "zzz";

When i try to get any value from $responce, i get one character *a*. How do i get $response in the first file to be an array i can use not a string.

Thank you.
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OK i got schooled by some 15 year old kid named "Sliver". man i hope i have a job in a few years!!! This is what he had to say about exec() vs. CURL.
[quote] I think you are misinterpreting what CURL is used for. It should be used when you need to execute a form on another site and possibly capture the output which would be HTML, like a normal page. Since you have control of both pages that you are using CURL for, there is no real point.

If you have to use CURL, keep in mind that the CURL response is generally the output of a normal page, not a variable. Therefore, capturing a variable through CURL output would not too easy.[/quote]

I have listed my working code below for any one interested. It basically takes an array (form elements) and passes them to another file on another machine, then passes vars back to the main server. Check this out..

1. Site 1 on Server A sends $_POST vars from to Site 2 on Server A.
2. Site 2 on Server A then sends the same $_POST vars to Site 3 on Server B.
3. Site 3 on Server B processes the $_POST vars.
4. Site 3 on Server B then sends back $responce vars to Site 2 on Server A.
5. Site 2 on Server A then sends $responce vars to Site 1 on Server A.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. think i will. enjoy, thanks for all the help.

http://www.siteA.com/curl2.php -
$post_array = array(
"test1" => "x"
,"test2" => "y"
,"test3" => "z"

// Convert Array to POST string (key_1=val_1&key_2=val_2...)
while (list ($key, $val) = each($post_array)) {
$data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&";

exec("/usr/bin/curl -m 120 -d \"$data\" http://www.siteA.com/curl2.php -L", $response);
$response_unserialized = unserialize($response[0]);

http://www.siteB.com/curl2.php -
$response = serialize($_POST);
echo $response;
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