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I'm trying to create a dynamic drop down box from values in a table. I than want to echo out the value selected. Here's the code:

<head><title>Unassigned Books</title></head>

require 'db.inc';
$query = "Select book_id from books where book_status = 'Available' ";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die ("Could not execute query.");

/* Create drop down box
echo "<form action='process.php' method='POST'>
        <select name='selected_book'>\n";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
extract ($row);
echo "<option value='$book'>$card_id\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Pick Card'></form>\n";

My process.php is as follows:

foreach ($_POST as $field => $value)
echo "$field = $value<br>";

I'm basically getting a blank value echoed out. If I add other inputs into the main script I can echo them out using process.php, but not any value I select from the drop down. This is doing my head in!

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hmmm...why are you using extract? You have no array to import variables from. Also you are trying to echo a variable that hasn't been defined.

[code]while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  extract ($row);
  echo "<option value='$book'>$card_id\n";

Should be something like this

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo "<option value='$book'>$card_id\n";

Also you dont' need the </option> tag. The next <option> tag will automatically end the first one.
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Sorry that should have read:

<head><title>Unassigned Books</title></head>

require 'db.inc';
$query = "Select book_id from books where book_status = 'Available' ";
$result = mysql_query($query)
  or die ("Could not execute query.");

/* Create drop down box
echo "<form action='process.php' method='POST'>
        <select name='selected_book'>\n";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  extract ($row);
  echo "<option value='$book'>$book_id\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Pick Book'></form>\n";

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What I want is to populate the drop down with a list of books in the table that have a status of available. Then I want to echo out whatever the user selects from the drop down. the process.php is just to test what I'm getting really. Sorry for being so vague I'm new to all this!
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Sorry haaglin, that didn't work. however I tried this and it worked.

I changed this:

  extract ($row);
  echo "<option value='$book'>$book_id\n";

To this:

  extract ($row);
  echo "<option value='$book_id'>$book_id\n";

I wish I knew what I'd done! Thanks everyone for helping!!
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The difference is what i explained earlier. You only selected book_id in your query.

[code]$query = "SELECT book_id FROM books WHERE book_status = 'Available' ";[/code]
need to be:
[code]$query = "SELECT book,book_id FROM books WHERE book_status = 'Available' ";[/code]
if you did't change that, then the variable $book is empty

[code]echo "<option value='$book'>$book_id\n";[/code]

As the option value was empty, so was the $_POST[selected_book]. When you added $book_id instead of $book. The value was not empty anymore.
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