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Need help with a function


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I'm in a need of help here.


First of all i will explain what i'm after. I will query a user database and get a list of users. Then i will make a subquery based on the users active and

get a list with a data. Now i have a user and a data. I want to be able to click on a link beside a user and whitout leaving the page post current user data to a php file located /include/workhours/lock_month_data.php witch will use $_Get values and place them in database and send info back that it has happened. what is my problem. I cant get it working in a loop when i use only one line whitout a loop everything works. when looping only the last worker info is there.? Please help.


this is a test code but you get the idea when you see it.


					$q1="SELECT * FROM user_meta WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_name limit 3"; $r1=mysql_query($q1);
				while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r1)){ 

					$worker_id = $row['user_id']; $value = $row['user_id'];

					echo "<a id='lock_button_$worker_id'>".$row['display_name']."</a><div id='display'></div>";


						$(document).ready(function(){ $('<?php echo "#lock_button_".$worker_id; ?>').click(function(){sendValue();});});
						function sendValue(){ 
							$.post("include/workhours/lock_month_data.php?send=<?php echo $value; ?>", 
							function(data){ $('#display').html(data.returnFromValue); }, "json");

				} ?>



















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:qft: According to the forum Rules & ToS, you are not supposed to bump:


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I'm not a huge fan of lambda functions, and I'm not really a JavaScript expert; but that function sendValue() looks like it is defined in global scope. Since you are sending that script inside the loop, it looks to me like you are defining that function multiple times. I'm pretty sure JavaScript will choke on that.


I think you need to re-think that setup. As it is, you are registering several document.ready() functions, which is unnecessary. I would give all of those links the same class (i.e. class="lockLink"). Then do the document.ready() call once to set them all: $(document).ready(function() { $('.lockLink').click(showValue); } (or something like that).


Then in the showValue() function, grab the ID of the link that was clicked (this) and send it through AJAX to the PHP script.


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As I said, I'm no JS expert, and there might be easier/better ways to do this. But this is how I typically do it:



function pageInit() {

function sendValue() {
	linkID = $(this).prop('id');
	$.post("include/workhours/lock_month_data.php?send=" + linkID, 
	function(data){ $('#display').html(data.returnFromValue); }, "json");
$q1="SELECT * FROM user_meta WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_name limit 3"; $r1=mysql_query($q1);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r1)){ 
	$worker_id = $row['user_id']; $value = $row['user_id'];
	echo "<a class='lockLink' id='lock_button_$worker_id'>".$row['display_name']."</a><div id='display'></div>";

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Can it be done simply by



					function pageInit() { $('.lockLink').click(sendValue); }

					function sendValue() {
						first = $(this).prop('id');   <--- first value to send 
						second = $(this).prop('id'); <-- second value to send
						$.post("include/workhours/lock_month_data.php?send=" + first + "&auh=" + second , 
						function(data){ $('#display').html(data.returnFromValue); }, "json");

					$q1="SELECT * FROM user_meta WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_name limit 3"; $r1=mysql_query($q1);
					while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r1)){ 
						$worker_id = $row['user_id']; $value = $row['user_id'];
						echo "<a class='lockLink' id='lock_button_$worker_id'>".$row['display_name']."</a><div id='display'></div>";


How to define that the first value is let say $row['user_id'] and the second is like $row['someotherdata'].

i could make a hidden textboxes to add a value to them but how to use the texboxex id=''. Cant seem to get more than one value to post to lock_month_data.php .

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The $(this).prop('id'); call is retrieving the ID of the object that was clicked.


You can inject additional "values" into the tag, but it is non-standard and may not be cross-browser friendly. I'm not sure why you would want to pass a value that you retrieved from the database since the PHP script will have access to the database during the AJAX call.


However, if you really want to send multiple values to the click function, you can do something like this:


function sendValue(value1, value2) {
	$.post("include/workhours/lock_month_data.php?send=" + value1 + "&other=" + value2, 
	function(data){ $('#display').html(data.returnFromValue); }, "json");
$q1="SELECT * FROM user_meta WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_name limit 3"; $r1=mysql_query($q1);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r1)){ 
	$worker_id = $row['user_id']; $value = $row['user_id'];
	$value2 = $row['display_name'];
	echo "<a class='lockLink' id='lock_button_$worker_id' onclick=\"sendValue($worker_id, '$value2');\">".$row['display_name']."</a><div id='display'></div>";


I took out the pageInit() function and put the onClick() event directly in the tag so we could pass the values there.

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Thank you so much for your help. This really helped me a lot and lets me do a lot of new things without the need of posting from page to page.

I had searched this type of a example for nearly a week on the web and eater did search it wrong or just did not find it.


there are a lot of too complex examples out there that does not explain to a fellow that just had started.


Thank you again for your help. Wish you all the best.

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