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Using a class with singleton to make a query on the db - Coding with PDO/OOP


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Hi everyone!


After following a tutorial about the MVC architecture, I'm having some trouble using a certain class to connect to my db, make a query with SELECT and displays it with a foreach.


Actually, I succeeded to connect and make the query, however it's when comes the moment to display the result that I get the following 2 errors:


SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


So here is the connection class using PDO and singleton:

class PDO2 extends PDO {

private static $_instance;

public function __construct( ) {

// End of PDO2::__construct() */

/* Singleton */
public static function getInstance() {

	if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {

		try {

			self::$_instance = new PDO(SQL_DSN, SQL_USERNAME, SQL_PASSWORD);

		} catch (PDOException $e) {

			echo $e;
	return self::$_instance; 
// End of PDO2::getInstance() */

// end of file */



Here is a part of the code from the tutorial that's used as a function to make a query:

function lire_infos_utilisateur($id_utilisateur) {

$pdo = PDO2::getInstance();

$requete = $pdo->prepare("SELECT nom_utilisateur, mot_de_passe, adresse_email, avatar, date_inscription, hash_validation
	FROM membres
	id = :id_utilisateur");

$requete->bindValue(':id_utilisateur', $id_utilisateur);

if ($result = $requete->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

	return $result;
return false;



And here is how the query function is used to be displayed:

if (false !== $id_utilisateur) {

		$infos_utilisateur = lire_infos_utilisateur($id_utilisateur);

		// On enregistre les informations dans la session
		$_SESSION['id']     = $id_utilisateur;
		$_SESSION['pseudo'] = $nom_utilisateur;
		$_SESSION['avatar'] = $infos_utilisateur['avatar'];
		$_SESSION['email']  = $infos_utilisateur['adresse_email'];



But this is my question:

how make my following script working?

function listing_fonts() {

$pdo = PDO2::getInstance();

$requete = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM fonts");


if ($result = $requete->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {

	return $result;
return false;

$listing_fonts = listing_fonts();

if (false !== $listing_fonts) {
foreach($listing_fonts as $font) //Affichage des fonts trouv?es en image


So with this scritp I get the error I show above. So obviously there is something that I'm not doing right but I can't figure what and I'm desperate.


Does anybody has an answer??? Thanks a lot in advance for all your help!

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Just a little comment in closing, now that you've gotten the original problem out of the way.


public function __construct( ) {

The whole point about singletons is that their constructors are private, so that it is impossible to create a new instance of the class. You also want to set the __clone () method private, or have it return the One True Instance. (:P) Though, it is recommended to disable it, so that there will be no confusion.

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