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Need help with displaying data from an array.


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First I would like to thank anyone who takes the time to help me with this!! 


Ok so I have an inventory.php page that has two drops downs. The first one is Products and the Second one is Events. When you chose a selection is will display any product still in inventory along with other information specific to the transaction. So for example if I choose socks in the Products drop down, it will show me all socks still in inventory. If I choose Event 1 from the Events drop down, it will show me all products purchased at that event. When it displays the results it will also display a check mark with each set of results and the transaction id as the value of the checkbox. It also displays a Sell button, Check All and Uncheck All buttons. When the Sell button is click it the form action sends you to sell_inventory.php page. This is the page I really need help with. So on this page I need to somehow display information based on the results of the previous page. Here is the code I have for that thus far:


Here is the code that echos the results for the drop down selection. This is where the checkbox is.

            echo "<div class='span2 well-inner'>";
            echo "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox float-right' name='sell_inv[]' value='" . $inventoryRow['transactionID'] . "'>";
            echo "<strong>Product: </strong>" . $inventoryRow['product'] . "<br/>";
            echo "<strong>Price: </strong>" . $inventoryRow['productPrice'] . "<br/>";
            echo "<strong>Weight: </strong>" . $inventoryRow['metalWeight'] . "<br/>";
            echo "<strong>Cost: </strong>$" . $inventoryRow['transactionTotal'];
            echo "</div>";


Here is the query that am using.

           $transactionsTable = "transactions";
           $sell_inv = implode(',',$_POST['sell_inv']);
           $inventorySQL="SELECT * FROM $transactionsTable WHERE transactionID IN('$sell_inv')";
           $info = array();


Here is where I am stuck. I am able to print the array out and it displays the Key with the id, but I am not sure how to display specific data tied to the id. Like the Product name. I have tried so many different things and nothing seems to work. I am going crazy!! Here is what I have currently:

        <!--- This prints the array just fine -->
        echo "<pre>";
        print_r ($_POST['sell_inv']);
        echo "</pre>";
       <!-- This throws and error -->
       while($row=mysql_fetch_array($inventorySQL, MYSQL_ASSOC))
           $info[] = $row;
        foreach ($info as $data){
            echo $data['product'];


Here is the error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /sell_inventory.php on line 78


Line 78 is:

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($inventorySQL, MYSQL_ASSOC))


I need to be able to display any and all information from the database table tied to the transaction id for each transaction selected on the precious page. I hope all this makes sense and again any help would be greatly appreciated.  :confused:

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