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Stuck on something, 2nd eye please :)


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Hello everyone :) hows everyone's night.. I'm coding this page basically a 'vault', storing inventory. Basically in this vault, i'm using Javascript  to act like a checkbox (so when you click the images) it checks off the item. The end result is, your supposed to be able to re-ward these inventory items to other members in you're group. Now, i'm running into a problem with the reward aspect. I get all the inventory ID'S to show up (using an onmousover as my test to make sure the id's are correct) however; during my award, i can't seem to get it to run properly. :( I've rescripted it 4 times, nothing will work.



if($_POST["submit"] == "Award")
$sec_answer = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['answer']);
$user_answer = $stat[sec_answer];
if ($sec_answer != $user_answer)
	echo "<script>alert(\"Your security answer did not match. Please try again.\");</script>";
	$count = 0;
	$selected_item = mysql_fetch_array($_POST['v_selected_$count']);
	$award = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM user_equipment WHERE crew = $stat[crewid]" ) );
	$award_itemname = $award['name'];
	$award_itemid = $award['id'];
	if($selected_item == $award_itemid)
		/* lazy fetch just to see if it works */
		$award_username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
		$user = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$award_username'") );
		$username = $user['name'];
		$userid = $user['id'];
		$date = date("M/d/Y g:iA");
		mysql_query("insert into award_log (crew, log, date) values($stat[crewid],'<font color=#949477>$stat[name] Gave ".$award_itemname." to ".$username.".</font>','".$date."')");
		mysql_query("UPDATE user_equipment SET owner = '$userid', crew='0' where id = '$award_itemid'") or die ( mysql_error ());
		echo "Item Awarded.";
		echo "something wen't wrong.";




what ends up happening is, it chooses the wrong item being awarded.


my checkbox name is 'v_selected_$count' the value is $itemid. cannot get it to work :/ help please would be great, some type of guidence, someone work with me, i'd love it! hehe

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Name your checkbox v_selected[] that way on the PHP side you have an array.  That will make it easier to process.


Also $_POST['v_selected_$count'] is not going to work right.  Variables are not translated when inside single-quoted strings so you are looking for a posted item named quite literally 'v_selected_$count' rather than 'v_selected_0' as you intend.


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I re-modified my code a bit



if($_POST["submit"] == "Award")
$sec_answer = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['answer']);
$user_answer = $stat[sec_answer];
if ($sec_answer != $user_answer)
	echo "<script>alert(\"Your security answer did not match. Please try again.\");</script>";
	$count = 0;
	$crewid = $stat['crewid'];
	$crew_vault_award_result = mysql_query("select * from user_equipment where crew = '$crewid' order by `name` ASC")or die(mysql_error());
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($crew_vault_award_result))
		$item_name = $row["name"];
		$item_id = $row["id"];
		$award_target_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["username"]);
		$award_name_result = mysql_query("select * from `users` where id = $award_target_id")or die(mysql_error());
		$award_user = mysql_result($award_name_result,0,"name");
		if($_POST["v_selected_$count"] == "$item_id")
			$date = date("M/d/Y g:iA");
			mysql_query("insert into award_log (crew, log, date) values($stat[crewid],'<font color=#949477>$stat[name] Gave ".$item_name." to ".$award_user.".</font>','".$date."')");
			mysql_query("UPDATE user_equipment SET owner = '$_POST[username]', crew='0' where id = '$item_id'") or die ( mysql_error ());
			echo "succeed.";
			echo "error."; 

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You'd need a condition where if the item is not selected, do not do anything.


If you change your variable to an array as I mentioned before it'll make the process easier because you could just loop the array of selected items rather than have to loop over everything.


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