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Hoping for a nice welcome!!


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Good Morning PHPFreaks!!!


My name is Robbie Kerr, I'm a consultant working with Start-Ups and SME's to help them build PHP Development teams to take their businesses to the next level; whethers that's world domination or steadying the ship.


I'm hoping for a warm welcome as I'm interested in learning PHP coding aswell as communicating with developers looking for new roles. I'd like recommendations on the pathway to follow from people who've gone down the road of establishing themselves as a developer as I'm almost at a lost as to what my first step should be.


I've posted in the potential work forum on here already so please view that post should be interested in a new role or project.


I'll appreciate any help I can get!!


Many Thanks,


Robbie Kerrr


Ark International

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Welcome Robbie to PHPFreaks! I am glad you made it here, this forum is very nice.  You will receive help wherever you find a forum to post in.  You may even glance over to the freelancer section as well if you're trying to meet a client or find someone to do work for you, or for you to do work for them.

You definitely got yourself a warm welcome from me, can you give me more information about Ark International? I never heard about this corporation before.  And I will make sure to check out your post in the work forum already, well that's it AFAIK.  Hope you enjoy your time here, PHPFreaks IMO, is the #1 source for php related questions and answers, dreams really do come true here.  See you around the forums Robbie.


Also, if you have any questions pertinent to PHPFreaks or the forums, just pm me, I can lead you into the right direction 99% of the time, if I cannot find an answer, I will get helps from a mod for you.



-- Monkuar



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