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Trying Real Hard To Make A Blog On My Own..


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my problems is propably very simple.. :/


Some of my code..




$ID = $_GET['ID'];


} elseif(isset($_GET['prev'])){

$ID = $_GET['ID'];



$ID = 1;



mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect server ");

mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE ID = $ID";





problem 1

Red = shows the first post i wrote.. i need it to show the most resent?



Problem 2

Green = the adress' for the diffent post shows like this.. how do i link to a specific post? ex. Http://adress.com/?page=Blog2&ID=2 does not work?

the &ID=1&next=1 works fine for me but then again am i on post 1 there is still a link for the post before :/ that does not exsist and the latest post still have a next post link


please help :)

many thanks the self learned php dummy :) Tobias Nielsen


the whole page looks like this if i didnt get all you needed in top part.... SORRY Iam from denmark so my english sucks and my blog is in danish >_<













$ID = $_GET['ID'];


} elseif(isset($_GET['prev'])){

$ID = $_GET['ID'];



$ID = 1;



mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect server ");

mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE ID = $ID";







<table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th scope="col"><table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th width="100" height="99" rowspan="2" background="Resources/Img/Layout/Kalender/2012.png" scope="col"><table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th height="46" valign="bottom" scope="col" id="db-dato-text"><? echo $rows['dato']; ?></th>



<th class="style3" scope="row"> </th>



<th height="41" align="left" valign="bottom" scope="col" id="db-title-text"> <p><? echo $rows['title']; ?><br />




<th align="left" valign="top" scope="col" id="db-info-text"><p>    Indlæg nr : <? echo $rows['id']; ?><br>    Sted : <? echo $rows['sted']; ?><br>    Klokken : <? echo $rows['klokken']; ?><br />




<table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th width="153" scope="col" id="blog-indlæg-text"><div align="left"><br><? echo $rows['indlæg']; ?><br /><br><br>

<br />






<table width="500">


<td width="100" id="tidligere-post"><? echo '<a href="?page=Blog2&ID='.$ID.'&prev=1"><b>Forrige indlæg</b></a>'; ?></td>

<td width="300" > </td>

<td width="100" id="nyere-post"><? echo '<a href="?page=Blog2&ID='.$ID.'&next=1"><b>Nyere indlæg</b></a>'; ?></td>








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my problems is propably very simple.. :/


Some of my code..



$ID = $_GET['ID'];
} elseif(isset($_GET['prev'])){
$ID = $_GET['ID'];
$ID = 1; -------------- Problem 1-------------------
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect server ");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE ID = $ID";


problem 1

shows the first post i wrote.. i need it to show the most resent?



Problem 2

the adress' for the diffent post shows like this.. how do i link to a specific post? ex. Http://adress.com/?page=Blog2&ID=2 does not work?

the &ID=1&next=1 works fine for me but then again am i on post 1 there is still a link for the post before :/ that does not exsist and the latest post still have a next post link


please help :)

many thanks the self learned php dummy :) Tobias Nielsen


the whole page looks like this if i didnt get all you needed in top part.... SORRY Iam from denmark so my english sucks and my blog is in danish >_<



$ID = $_GET['ID'];
} elseif(isset($_GET['prev'])){
$ID = $_GET['ID'];
$ID = 1; -------- Problem 1 -----------
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect server ");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE ID = $ID";

<table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th scope="col"><table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <th width="100" height="99" rowspan="2" background="Resources/Img/Layout/Kalender/2012.png" scope="col"><table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		 <th height="46" valign="bottom" scope="col" id="db-dato-text"><? echo $rows['dato']; ?></th>
		 <th class="style3" scope="row"> </th>
 <th height="41" align="left" valign="bottom" scope="col" id="db-title-text"> <p><? echo $rows['title']; ?><br />
 <th align="left" valign="top" scope="col" id="db-info-text"><p>    Indlæg nr : <? echo $rows['id']; ?><br>    Sted : <? echo $rows['sted']; ?><br>    Klokken : <? echo $rows['klokken']; ?><br />
 <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <th width="153" scope="col" id="blog-indlæg-text"><div align="left"><br><? echo $rows['indlæg']; ?><br /><br><br>
		 <br />
<table width="500">
<td width="100" id="tidligere-post"><? echo '<a href="?page=Blog2&ID='.$ID.'&prev=1"><b>Forrige indlæg</b></a>'; ?></td> ------------- problem 2 ---------
<td width="300" > </td>
<td width="100" id="nyere-post"><? echo '<a href="?page=Blog2&ID='.$ID.'&next=1"><b>Nyere indlæg</b></a>'; ?></td> ---------- problem 2 part 2 --------

Edited by TobiasNielsen
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1. use mysqli instead of mysql

http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-connect.php (look at the big red box)


2. separate php and html don't mix it.


3. always properly escape your sql arguments


Getting the previous and next is not as simple as +1 and -1 because you may want to hide/delete a row in the future and the +-1 won't allow you to instead use a query:



$sql = "
   (SELECT max(id) FROM `%1$s` WHERE id < %2$d AND status = 'published') AS prev_id,
   (SELECT min(id) FROM `%1$s` WHERE id > %2$d AND status = 'published') AS next_id
 FROM `%1$s`
 WHERE id = %2$d AND status = 'published'

$dbname = mysqli_connect('host', 'user', 'pass', 'dbname');
if (mysqli_connect_error()) {
 // todo add proper error handling here
 echo mysqli_error($dbname);

$stmt = sprintf(
 mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $table_name),
 mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $_GET['id'])

$res = mysqli_query($dbname, $stmt);
if ($res === false) {
 // query failed
 // todo add proper error handling here
 echo mysqli_error($dbname);

if (mysqli_num_rows($res) === 0) {
 // wrong id
 // you know the drill
 echo 'no such ID';

$post = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res); ?>
<ul class="paginator">
 <!-- previous -->
 <?php if ($post['prev_id']): ?>
 <li class="previous">  
   <a href="blog.php?id=<?= $post['prev_id'] ?>"><</a>
 <?php endif ?>

 <!-- next -->
 <?php if ($post['next_id']): ?>
 <li class="next">
   <a href="blog.php?id=<?= $post['next_id'] ?>">></a>
 <?php endif ?>

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A bit too fast in the corners there, ignace? String-escaping an integer... :P


TobiasNielsen: Besides that unnecessary mysqli_real_escape_string () on the ID, I strongly recommend that you take his code into use. Not only that, but study it until you understand what every single line of it does, and (more importantly) why. ;)


Now, the only thing that his code didn't fix was your first issue, which you can do by using a little SQL "injection" of your own:

if (!isset ($_GET['id'])) {
  $id = 'MAX(ID)';


Though, this requires that you change the %2$d bit in the SQL string template with %2$s, and that you manually cast $_GET['id'] to an integer when fetching it. Otherwise you'll open yourself up to true SQL injections.

Edited by Christian F.
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in my old script i used this




do i inset that line here


$dbname = mysqli_connect('host', 'user', 'pass', 'dbname');


or here


mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $table_name),


thanks for the quick respons i look more deeply into the code when i get it to work ..although it looks pretty much over my skills >_<

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Now, the only thing that his code didn't fix was your first issue, which you can do by using a little SQL "injection" of your own:

if (!isset ($_GET['id'])) {
  $id = 'MAX(ID)';


Though, this requires that you change the %2$d bit in the SQL string template with %2$s, and that you manually cast $_GET['id'] to an integer when fetching it. Otherwise you'll open yourself up to true SQL injections.


It's easy enough to modify my code without having to resort to "sql inject" yourself... The OP just needs to enclose the query part with an if/else.

Edited by ignace
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should i still use the : mysqli_real_escape_string () ? or forget about that?


Not when the value is a number and you use it in combination with sprintf and %d (look that up in the manual by clicking on the previous link), what CF was trying to point out. Maybe until you fully grasp PHP and how everything works it's best if you use mysqli_real_escape_string on everything before inserting it into an SQL string.

Edited by ignace
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Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in/home/a6952815/public_html/Content/Pages/Blog3.php on line 28


Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: Empty query in/home/a6952815/public_html/Content/Pages/Blog3.php on line 30


The first warning means there not enough arguments which is when $_GET['id'] is missing which is why you need modify the code so that it encloses the querying part:

(The second is due to the first warning)


if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
   // get the specified post 
   $sql = "
     SELECT *,
      (SELECT max(id) FROM `%1$s` WHERE id < %2$d AND status = 'published') AS prev_id,
      (SELECT min(id) FROM `%1$s` WHERE id > %2$d AND status = 'published') AS next_id
     FROM `%1$s`
     WHERE id = %2$d AND status = 'published'

   $dbname = mysqli_connect('host', 'user', 'pass', 'dbname');
   if (mysqli_connect_error()) {
       // todo add proper error handling here
       echo mysqli_error($dbname);

   $stmt = sprintf($sql, mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $table_name), mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $_GET['id']));
} else {
   // get the latest post
   $sql = "
     SELECT *,
       (SELECT max(id) FROM `%1$s` T2 WHERE T2.id < T1.id AND status = 'published') AS prev_id
     FROM `%1$s` T1
     LIMIT 1
   $stmt = sprintf($sql, mysqli_real_escape_string($dbname, $table_name));

Edited by ignace
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