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I've read this thread



I've tried to match my patter to extract the date from this



here is my expression



it is not working for me, please help

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Try this maybe?



A couple things I noticed:

  • Your range is only 1-9 missing 0's (Mine is \d matching numerals)
    (Also it wasn't placed in a range modifier so it would have tried literally matching "1-9")
  • Your opening and closing <td> <strong> html elements are trying to match 2x (on both sides) as oppose to your initial test subject, in which the tags only appear once.

Edited by DarkerAngel
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Nothing at all, simply put it's only a regex delimiter ( #, %, /, &, ~, ! ), I just normally go with the one RegexBuddy gives me ;D usually saves the "Opps, I'm using that in my expression" problem.




Few More Points I guess I missed when I posted previously:

  • For some reason I left the " / " in the [ ] range delimiter even though " / " is not a range
  • I had repetition modifiers outside the capture group resulting in a Last Case capture (in tester)
  • Had a whitespace search after the <strong> tag though it didn't seem to affect the tester

This one might work a little better, if not I might need to see more of what you're trying to match against since my tester is reporting it a valid match (as well as capture groups)

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