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Hi it's my first time here.

I hope some one wil help me with the following


I have a point with rank system


its olmost finished


i have only one problem. How can i give the same rank where points are the same.


i have now the following code


$jaarnu = date('Y', strtotime('now'));

$query = "SELECT * FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." WHERE turnier_jaar =".$jaarnu." ORDER BY punkten desc";


while ($i < $num) {
$query1="UPDATE narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." SET rang='".($i + 1 )."' WHERE id =".$id." && turnier_jaar =".$jaarnu." ";
mysql_query($query1) or die (mysql_error());




a little axplanation: rang = Rank and punkten = points


I want it as follow:

points rank

150 1

150 1

149 2

147 3

146 4


and when the input is again 149 the rank must be again 2


At the moment i have the ranks 1 2 3 4 5 and so on and that's not the right thing.


thanks in advice



Edited by johnnyd1963

An SQL query within a loop always makes me nervous, but optimization is besides the point. Also, I would personally suggest using "AND" with MySQL, even though I know that && is perfectly fine. To me it is just more normal in SQL and more standard for other vendors.


Anyways, to get to your actual question; I am quite confused about your domain, so I have just written a possible solution below, but you will probably have to adapt it to your specific domain that you know much better than I do. I do, however, not doubt that there is a better way to go about it, even with a single SQL query.


$i = 0;
$points = 0;
$rank = 1;
$lastPoints = null;

while ($i < $num) {
$id = mysql_result($result, $i, "id");
$points = mysql_result($result, $i, "punkten");

if ($points !== $lastPoints) {
$rank = ($id + 1);

$query1 = "UPDATE narr_turnier_" . $onlyconsonants . " SET rang = " . $rank . " WHERE id = " . $id . " AND punkten = $points AND turnier_jaar = " . $jaarnu;
mysql_query($query1) or die (mysql_error());

$lastPoints = $points;



Above, I have added a conditional statement to your while loop. The rank should only be increased if the points is not the same as the last one. However, I did not find any reference to the points in your code, so I just made a guess. Without understanding your domain better, that's all I can do for you right now. I hope I didn't make any silly mistake in the code, by the way, as it was written pretty fast. :)

Edited by Andy123

oke it's not workin because the ranks wil give 321 321 and so on


if you want to see lokk at




first choose Starter Bambini Garde zufugen then click gewahlt

i come back tomorrow i got it allmost.


die("Couldn't connect to the database");
$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." WHERE turnier_jaar =".$jaarnu." ORDER BY punkten desc") ;
$sqlx="SELECT * FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." where punkten='$total'";
$sql22=mysql_query("update narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." set rang='$i' where id='$id' AND turnier_jaar = " . $jaarnu."");
$sql22=mysql_query("update narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." set rang='".($i)."' where id='$id' AND turnier_jaar = " . $jaarnu."");
$sql22=mysql_query("update narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." set rang='".($i)."' where id='$id' AND turnier_jaar = " . $jaarnu."");



mysql> SELECT pid,
   -> @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS row,
   -> @rank := if (@prev<>points, @rownum, @rank) AS ranking,
   -> @prev:= points AS points
   -> FROM bg_points
   -> INNER JOIN (
   ->     SELECT @rownum := 0, @prev := -1, @rank := 0
   ->     ) as x
   -> ORDER BY points DESC
   -> ;
| pid | row  | ranking | points |
|   4 |    1 |       1 | 19     |
|   7 |    2 |       2 | 18     |
|   8 |    3 |       2 | 18     |
|  24 |    4 |       2 | 18     |
|   1 |    5 |       5 | 17     |
|  22 |    6 |       5 | 17     |
|  26 |    7 |       5 | 17     |
|   5 |    8 |       8 | 16     |
|  17 |    9 |       8 | 16     |
|  25 |   10 |       8 | 16     |
|  18 |   11 |      11 | 15     |
|  23 |   12 |      11 | 15     |
|   2 |   13 |      13 | 14     |
|  19 |   14 |      14 | 13     |
|  21 |   15 |      15 | 12     |
|   6 |   16 |      16 | 11     |
|   3 |   17 |      17 | 10     |
|  20 |   18 |      17 | 10     |

I got the solution :happy-04: :happy-04: :happy-04:


Here it is


$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." WHERE turnier_jaar =".$jaarnu." GROUP BY punkten desc") ;
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql);


while ($i < $num_rows) {$id=mysql_result($sql,$i,"punkten");
$query1="UPDATE narr_turnier_".$onlyconsonants." SET rang ='".($i + 1)."' WHERE punkten =".$id." && turnier_jaar =".$jaarnu." ";
mysql_query($query1) or die (mysql_error());




if you know it it's simpel just think logical


thanks for the help to all

Edited by johnnyd1963
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