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Undefined Index Error


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Hi All,


Can anyone tell me why I am getting an undefined index error message when submitting my form?


This is happening only when the tick boxes are not selected, everything is working fine and the information is written to the database as required.





Here is my checkbox code:


 <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
   <td align="right" width="40%"><strong>Additional Visit Reasons :</strong></td>
   <td width="10%"><input type="checkbox" name="accessory" value="Accessory">Accessory</td>
   <td width="10%"><input type="checkbox" name="airtime" value="Airtime">Airtime</td>
   <td width="40%"><input type="checkbox" name="handset" value="Handset">Handset</td>


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I never had that part of the code in my script at all.


It was suggested that I add

if(isset($_POST['accessory'])}$_POST['accessory'] == 'Accessory')else{$_POST['N/A']};


This is the original submit page:


$con = mysql_connect("localhost","user","password");
if (!$con)
 die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("store", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO store_traffic
, gender
, ethnic_group
, age_group
, requirement
, visit_detail
, accessory
, airtime
, handset
, postpaid
, prepaid
, handset_make)


if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
 die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "<b><font color='white' face='segoe' size='2'>1 record added</b></font>";
include "redirect_store.html";

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The undefined index error message is because form checkboxes (and radio buttons) are only submitted when they are checked. The solution is to have some validation logic in your code to test if a checkbox is set or not and take an appropriate action.


// code for when this checkbox is checked

} else {
// code for when this checkbox is not checked



Since I don't have the slightest idea what value you want to use when a checkbox is not set, the actual coding in this example is left up to you.


P.S. you need to have validation logic for ALL your form inputs and you need to escape string data and cast numerical data to the appropriate numerical data type before putting it into your query statement to prevent sql errors if the data contains sql special characters or to prevent sql injection.

Edited by PFMaBiSmAd
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Thanks, I think I was appling the if(isset incorrectly.


So just to be sure, I would prefer to leave it blank if the checkbox is not set can I have it as follows:


//code for when this checkbox is checked

// code for when this checkbox is not checked


Then, lastly, where in my submit for do I put this part of code?

Edited by SalientAnimal
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Managed to solve this with a very basic change on my form rather than the submit part of the page.


I just did this:


<input type="hidden" name="handset" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="handset" value="Handset">Handset

Edited by SalientAnimal
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lol - um if you want to leave it blank do something like:



//code for if it IS set


//code ofr when it is NOT set



As lily's suggestion states, it is easier and more secure to do this. As far as I see there is no reason why you shouldn't want to do this

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No real need for that last IF test though: Either it's set or it's not.


if (!isset ($_POST['accessory'])) {
   // Error condition, handle it.
   // Let's say it's a fatal one, just to showcase exiting early. 
   return false;

// Normal operation, as it is set.

Helps to cut down a lot of the nesting if you utilize the principle of exiting early, and that can have quite a bit impact on the readability. The easier the script is to read, the easier it is to maintain. Especially for others, like those of us trying to help. ;)

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