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Str_Replace, Returning "array" When $Replace Is An Array


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I am writing some code as a forum addon for myBB to make a content delivery page. In doing so I need to add blocks in user defined areas.


I am doing this by having users create their block areas, then defining the area in the template with [ba]block_area_name[/ba]. I then go through and grab all of the blocks for that area from the database and use file_get_contents to grab them and display them using str_replace (If you can show me a better way through just preg_replace or eval I would be happy though :) )


Anyway my issue is that when you I do $page = str_replace('[ba]'.$match.'[/ba]', $block_include, $page); where block_include is an array, all I get back is teh text




When I print_r($block_include); it returns the data from those files.


My code so far at proof of concept stage is


function cm_get_blocks(&$page)    {

   global $db, $config, $mybb;

   $pattern= "/\[ba\](.*?)\[\/ba\]/is";    
   //the variable for the replace
   preg_match_all($pattern, $page, $matches);

   foreach($matches[1] as $match)    {

       //We need to get the ID of the block area for later use. We could do this with a join, but the performance value isn't there as it should be an inexpensive query
       $query = $db->query("Select ID from ".TABLE_PREFIX."brookie_cms_general_data where type='blockarea' and title='".$match."'");
       $block_area_id = $db->fetch_field($query, "ID");

       if($block_area_id)    {
           //get all of the blocks for the block are, in order and replace them.
           $block_query = $db->query("select block_title, block_folder from ".TABLE_PREFIX."brookie_cms_blocks where area=".$block_area_id);

           while($result=$db->fetch_array($block_query))    {

               echo $result[block_title]."<br>";

               $block_include[] = file_get_contents("http://localhost:85/mybb/inc/plugins/brookie_cms/blocks/".$result["block_folder"]."/index.php");                

       }    else    {
           $page = str_replace('[ba]'.$match.'[/ba]', "", $page);
       $page = str_replace('[ba]'.$match.'[/ba]', $block_include, $page);
   return $page;


If I move $page = str_replace('[ba]'.$match.'[/ba]', $block_include, $page); to just before the return then it doesn't do the replce. If I move it to inside the while loop and make $block_include not an array then it will obviously work for the first block but no others because we have replaced the block already.


Can anyone think why it won't work?




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