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Php / Mysql Jump Menu


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I have a php dropdown box with items from the database but I cant figure out how to make the items in the dropdown link to the details pages of those specific items. So for example the 3rd item in the dropdown is "Joe", when selected it should display the page with Joe's details.



<?php echo '<select name="Clients"><OPTION>'; 
echo "Select an option</OPTION>"; 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($client_select)){
$client_id = $row["client_id"];
$company_name = $row["company_name"]; 
echo "<OPTION value=\"$client_id\">$company_name</OPTION>"; 
echo '</SELECT>';

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You need to use javascript if you want to have page elements be interactive without the use of a submit button. If you haven't used any javascript before, and this is functionality that you expect to use a lot of, I'd recomend at some point soon that you get the JQuery library (free download and you just link the page header to it much as you would a css file) and looking up some online tutorials - nettuts has a series of video tutorials here if that's what you like.


PHP doesn't interface directly with the user, it runs on the server side. As such it has no connection with mouse clicks or keyboard commands and it has no idea what values have been chosen or entered into forms untill they are sent back to the server. It can react conditionaly to a request from a web page (normaly via a submit button or a javascript function) and produce results accordingly, but it can't react to user input directly.

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