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I have spent the last few months creating a membership script. It now appears to be coming together however there is one aspect which I am unsure on how to proceed which I am hoping someone will be able to advise on.


When someone adds their email address they receive an email confirmation. However I am unsure on how pass onto the DB that the account has been created. I am planning to add a link to the email which when clicked inserts the letter Y (Yes) into a column for 'Activated'. Alternatively I am considering trying to insert a matching number as a safer system however this sounds quite complex in comparison to inserting a simple Y.


When someone attempts to log in I will read if the Y is inserted and then log the user in. If the Y is not inserted I will ask them to re-submit their email address.


Does anyone have any views on the safe method of authenticating a user registration?

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When you create the user:


// add user to database
// "INSERT INTO users ( id, username, ..., activated ) VALUES ( NULL, ..., 0 )";
// generate an identifiable hash
// from some include file (without the comment (/* ... */))
function getActivationId($username) {
return md5($username . 's0m3r4nd0m54lt');
$link = 'http://'. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .'/activate.php?user='. $username .'&activation_id='. getActivationId($username);
// send link in email


// activate.php
if ( $_GET['activation_id'] == getActivationId($_GET['username']) ) {
// query "UPDATE users SET activated = 1 WHERE username = :username"
} else {
echo 'Incorrect activation ID';

Edited by Andy-H

Many thanks, Ive had a go at this but Im finding it quite complicated. This part "getActivationId" creates an error as soon as it is read. Should it be the first item within the PHP brackets.


I also haven't used this before ":" within the "WHERE username = :username"



This is what I have so far. I cant get the link to work to begin which is odd.


Do links in emails work differently?


  $query = "INSERT INTO users (firstname, surname, email, password, date_registered) VALUES ('" . $firstname . "', '" . $surname . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($registerEmail) . "', MD5('" . mysql_real_escape_string($registerPassword) . "'), NOW())";

 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // remove the or die(mysql_error()) code after you resolve the error
	  $success['register'] = 'Thank you for registering. You will soon receive a confirmation email.  Please click the confirmation link.';

	  $message = '
<a href="www.test.com/test/activation.php?userid=Y">Click Here</a> to activate your account.


	  mail(mysql_real_escape_string($registerEmail), '.com Confirmation', $message, 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n".'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n".'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n");

	  $errors['register'] = 'There was a problem registering you. Please check your details and try again.';

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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