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Dynamic Tables


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I am trying to display a list of groups, and for each group on that list I want to show it's members...


For example:


Group A

Member A 1

Member A 2


Group B

Member B 1

Member B 2




I would also like to be able to Click on the group heading to hide / show the members...

I get the groups and members from our database, no problem, but I am unsure how to display the results...


Anyone make any suggestions or point me in a direction?



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So, this is what I have...



  $res=mysql_query("select * from tournaments")or die(mysql_error());
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
 <tr><td>Tournament Id</td>
  <td> Tournament Name</td>
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
<tr><td><?php print $row['tournament_id']; ?></td><td><a href='createtournament.php?con=<?php print $row['tournament_id']; ?>'><?php print $row['tournament_name']; ?></a></td></tr>
<?php } ?>


This gives me my tournaments with a link on them to create that tournament (the link for the moment can be removed)


So now I want to add this table below each of the tournament names...


$participants = mysql_query("select * from tournament_participants")or die(mysql_query());

echo "<table><tr><th>Tournament Id</th><th>Team id</th><th>Participant id</th></tr>";
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($participants)) {

echo "<tr><td align='right'>".$row['tournament_id']."</td><td align='right'>".$row['team_id']."</td><td align='right'>".$row['participant_id']."</td></tr>";
  echo "</table>";


So basically this gives me...


Tournament ID Tournament Name

1 Abc



And in the next table



Tournament ID Team ID Participant ID

1 157 233

1 201 444

2 89 111

2 225 232


And so on....



I'd like to print this differently so I see...


Tournament ID


Participants ID








And if I click on the tournament ID I want it to show or hide the participants....


Make sense?



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A little experience with javascript and very little with JQueryUI...


The current query would change to the following:


$participants = mysql_query("select * from tournament_participants where tournament_id = $row['tournament_id'] ")or die(mysql_query());


Although that itself did not work I had to write the tournament_id to a var first and include the var in the query

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To output a new heading every time it changes, you would remember the previous heading and detect when the value changes -


$query = " ... your query statement that gets the rows you want in the order that you want them";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$last_heading = null; // 'remember' the last heading value. initialize to a value that will never appear in the data
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
// detect if the heading changed
if($last_heading != $row['group']){
// heading changed or is the first one
if($last_heading != null){
// not the first one, (optionally) close out the previous section here...
echo "</dl>\n";
// start a new section here...
echo "<dl>\n<dt>Group {$row['group']}</dt>\n";
$last_heading = $row['group']; // remember the new heading
// output the data under each heading
echo "<dd>Member {$row['member']}</dd>\n";
// (optionally) close out the last section here...
if($last_heading != null){
echo "</dl>\n";

Edited by PFMaBiSmAd
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I am not sure I follow this example or suggestion....


This is the resultant layout I want...



Group A

Member A 1

Member A 2


Group B

Member B 1

Member B 2


And I want to be able to click a group and hide / show the members of that group.... I think my formatting here is not helping.. the members should be indented to the actual groups....


I don't see how your example gives me this.... maybe I am missing something...

Edited by Staggan
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The code I posted does produce the exact layout you mentioned. The only thing that would need to be added to it is what is needed to show/hide the information (there are probably 10,000 javascript show/hide examples posted on the Internet.)


You should NOT execute a query inside of a loop of another query. It is extremely inefficient (the kind of thing that gets your account suspended on a live server.)

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I am confused then...


I will take a look through it tonight and see if I can make sense of it.... and will surely post more questions to understand it, hehe..


I agree about queries within loops, but I am very new to MySQL and still trying to figure out the language....



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I rewrote my code to the following:


$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM tournaments t, tournament_participants t1 WHERE t.tournament_id = t1.tournament_id")or die(mysql_query());

$last_heading = null; // 'remember' the last heading value. initialize to a value that will never appear in the data
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
 // detect if the heading changed
 if($last_heading != $row['tournament_name']){
  // heading changed or is the first one

  if($last_heading != null){// not the first one, (optionally) close out the previous section here...

  echo "</dl>\n";

  echo "<dl>\n<dt>Tournament {$row['tournament_name']}</dt>\n";$last_heading = $row['tournament_name'];
  echo "<dd>Member {$row['team_id']}</dd>\n";

  if($last_heading != null){

echo "</dl>\n";



It worked perfectly and now makes sense


I had not heard of definition lists before either


I will now look at hide / show options


Your help was much appreciated

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