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How To Join Columns From Two Sqls Having Differnt Scenarios

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i have two different scenarios for both of them i have framed different sqls now i want to show the columns from both of them together as :

if first sql outputs col A,col B, col C

and second sql outputs col D, col E

in the final output i want to show col A, col B,col C, col D, col E

(i do not need union here) following are the sqls

sql 1

SELECT COD.OrderID,COD.ItemCode AS Item,COD.MaxValue AS Line ,COD.CreatedOn AS DATE,COD.Quantity,

IF(COD.Price IS NULL OR COD.Price = '','0.00',COD.Price) AS Total,

SC.SourceCode AS SourceCode,

RR.Description AS CancellationReason

,CONCAT(CBI.FirstName,' ',CBI.LastName) AS CustomerName

FROM tblCancelOrderDetails COD LEFT JOIN tblOrderMaster OM ON COD.`OrderID` = OM.`OrderID`

LEFT JOIN tblSourceCode SC ON OM.`SourceCode` = SC.`SourceCodeID`

LEFT JOIN tblReturnReason RR ON COD.Reason = RR.`ReturnCode`

LEFT JOIN tblCustomerBasicInfo CBI ON OM.CustomerID = CBI.CustomerID ;

sql 2

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(OrderID)) AS NumberofAutodeliveryOrders ,CustomerID ,RecurrenceMasterID FROM tblOrderDetail

WHERE RecurrenceMasterID != '' AND RecurrenceMasterID IS NOT NULL AND RecurrenceMasterID != '-1'

GROUP BY CustomerID;


any suggestions would be helpful,thanks

Make the second query a "table subquery" in the first query and join on CustomerID.




SELECT a,b,c,d

FROM table1


SELECT c,d FROM anothertable

) as someAliasName ON table1.c = someAliasName.c

Edited by Barand

i tried this

SELECT COD.OrderID,COD.ItemCode AS Item,COD.MaxValue AS Line ,COD.CreatedOn AS DATE,COD.Quantity,

IF(COD.Price IS NULL OR COD.Price = '','0.00',COD.Price) AS Total,

SC.SourceCode AS SourceCode,

RR.Description AS CancellationReason

,CONCAT(CBI.FirstName,' ',CBI.LastName) AS CustomerName,

COUNT(DISTINCT(OrderID)) AS NumberofAutodeliveryOrders,RecurrenceMasterID

FROM tblCancelOrderDetails COD LEFT JOIN tblOrderMaster OM ON COD.`OrderID` = OM.`OrderID`

LEFT JOIN tblSourceCode SC ON OM.`SourceCode` = SC.`SourceCodeID`

LEFT JOIN tblReturnReason RR ON COD.Reason = RR.`ReturnCode`

LEFT JOIN tblCustomerBasicInfo CBI ON OM.CustomerID = CBI.CustomerID


INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(OrderID)) AS NumberofAutodeliveryOrders ,CustomerID AS cust ,RecurrenceMasterID FROM tblOrderDetail

WHERE RecurrenceMasterID != '' AND RecurrenceMasterID IS NOT NULL AND RecurrenceMasterID != '-1'

GROUP BY CustomerID) AS OD ON OM.`CompanyID` = OD.CustomerID ;


but getting the following error

Error Code: 1052

Column 'OrderID' in field list is ambiguous


and i also want this orderid .

that's probably comming from here :

COUNT(DISTINCT(OrderID)) AS NumberofAutodeliveryOrders,RecurrenceMasterID
FROM tblCancelOrderDetails COD LEFT JOIN tblOrderMaster OM ON COD.`OrderID` = OM.`OrderID`


You are joining two tables that both have the OrderID and your not making it clear which one you are using.


Also, please please please use code tags!

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