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Help! - New Php Engine Security Or Mysql Error?

PHP Learner

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[to the moderators, sorry, i dont know which section this actually belongs in]


hi there all,


im rewriting/updating/improving a site i wrote last year. i havent touched it since and it seem php has moved forward a few stages which is why i need to update bits around the site. anywayz, so im adding stuff to a query to update the table, i change it in the code, ftp the page sucessfuly etc.. but the new query is ignored by the MySql database or the newer PHP engine. i think its to protect against sql injection but im not sure. it makes sense and its a valuable security feature if that is it but is making testing impossible.


would appreciate your help if you know how to get round it, or if i right even.


thanks, phpl

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hello there,


thanks very much for the response. silly thing is its not the code which is the problem. it worked fine with the original code, all i added was 1 extra update in the query same as the others to corrispond with a new row i put into the table. thing is, if it were a mistake, like somehow i put the wrong value or missed a comma or something i could debug it. thing is, i changed one of the values which is represented by a variable with a string which is meant for a varchar entry and there was no difference.


it seems like its being ignored by the engine as an attempt to inject incorrect values into the data base. i know the pages are ftp'ing ok because i echoed a string at the top of the page to confirm the change in the code. hmmm, very confusing stuff


any ideas?

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