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Please Help With Old Rss Php Parser


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This code scrambles the Title, Description and Link results so that the Description regularly comes up earlier than the Title and Link. I suspect that it's in the function createHtmlFromRSSUrl. It's old code, but really usefull from 2008 and ScarySoftware who apparently met their demise. Anyone?




// ScarySoftware RSS parser

// Copyright © 2006 Scary Software

// ( Generates HTML from a RSS feeds )


// Licensed Under the Gnu Public License




class rssReader {


var $rssFeeds;


// Class constructor

function rssReader() {


// Here are the feeds - you can add to them or change them

$this->rssFeeds = array(

0 => "http://rest.ebay.com/epn/v1/find/item.rss?keyword=%28quilting+machine%2Cquilt+sewing+machine%29&sortOrder=BestMatch&programid=1&campaignid=xxxxxx0101&toolid=10039&customid=QRSS&listingType1=All&lgeo=1&feedType=rss",




function checkCache($rss_url) {


$ttl = 60*60;// 60 secs/min for 60 minutes = 1 hour(360 secs)

$cachefilename = md5(md5($rss_url));


if (file_exists($cachefilename) && (time() - $ttl < filemtime($cachefilename)))


$feed = file_get_contents($cachefilename);




$feed = file_get_contents($rss_url);

$fp = fopen($cachefilename, 'w');

fwrite($fp, $feed);




return $feed;





// Creates HTML from a FeedID in the array

// it makes $howmany entries


function createHtmlFromFeed($feedid, $howmany) {


// Now we make sure that we have a feed selected to work with

$rss_url = $this->rssFeeds[$feedid];

if (!isset($rss_url)) $rss_url = $this->rssFeeds[$feedid];

$howmany = intval($howmany);


$this->createHtmlFromRSSUrl( $rss_url, $howmany );





// Create HTML from an RSS URL

// it makes $howmany entires


function createHtmlFromRSSUrl( $rss_url, $howmany )


// Now we get the feed and cache it if necessary

$rss_feed = $this->checkCache($rss_url);


// Now we replace a few things that may cause problems later

$rss_feed = str_replace("<![CDATA[", "", $rss_feed);

$rss_feed = str_replace("]]>", "", $rss_feed);

$rss_feed = str_replace("\n", "", $rss_feed);


// If there is an image node remove it, we aren't going to use

// it anyway and it often contains a <title> and <link>

// that we don't want to match on later.

$rss_feed = preg_replace('#<image>(.*?)</image>#', '', $rss_feed, 1 );


// Now we get the nodes that we're interested in

preg_match_all('#<title>(.*?)</title>#', $rss_feed, $title, PREG_SET_ORDER);

preg_match_all('#<description>(.*?)</description>#', $rss_feed, $description, PREG_SET_ORDER);

preg_match_all('#<link>(.*?)</link>#', $rss_feed, $link, PREG_SET_ORDER);



// Now that the RSS/XML is parsed.. Lets Make HTML !



// If there is not at least one title, then the feed was empty

// it happens sometimes, so lets be prepared and do something

// reasonable

if(count($title) <= 1)


echo "No items at present, please check back later.<br><br>";




// OK Here we go, this is the fun part


// Well do up the top 3 entries from the feed

for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $howmany; $counter++ )


// We do a reality check to make sure there is something we can show



// Then we'll make a good faith effort to make the title

// valid HTML

$title[$counter][1] = str_replace("&", "&", $title[$counter][1]);

$title[$counter][1] = str_replace("'", "'", $title[$counter][1]);

$title[$counter][1] = str_replace("£", "?", $title[$counter][1]);


// The description often has encoded HTML entities in it, and

// we probably don't want these, so we'll decode them

$description[$counter][1] = html_entity_decode( $description[$counter][1]);


// Now we make a pretty page bit from the data we retrieved from

// the RSS feed. Remember the function FormatRow from the

// beginning of the program ? Here we put it to use.

$row = $this->FormatEntry($title[$counter][1],$description[$counter][1],$link[$counter][1]);


// And now we'll output the new page bit!

echo $row;






function FormatEntry($title, $description, $link) {

return <<<eof


<p class="feed_title">{$title}</p>

<p class="feed_description">{$description}</p>

<a class="feed_link" href="{$link}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Read more...</a>

<hr size=1>






function GetrssFeeds() {

return $this->rssFeeds;



function SetrssFeeds($rssFeeds) {

$this->rssFeeds = $rssFeeds;







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